Problem starting up laptop


Registered User
HP Pavillion laptop around 2.5 years old has been acting odd lately. The problem is when I try to switch it on nothing happens. I could turn it on ten times and it will start up once, then it will start up two or three times in a row and then it wont start again. I switch it on and the keyboard lights up but nothing comes onscreen. Also the wireless comes and goes. When it's running it's fine. I must have tried it fifty times tonight and nothing and then out of the blue it starts!!
How long do laptops last? Is it worth trying to give it to PC World to have a look or can I try anything.


I ran the program and these are what came up as warnings 1. Reallocated sector count 2. Calibration retry count 3.Reallocated event count. Also critical hard drive temp is 57c.

If you can shed some light on what any of this means and where to go from here it would be great.


HP's are usually good or so I've heard - no personal experience with them.

Suggest you try a HP newsgroup or BBS for more detailed feedback.

Other than I'd tend to be worried about a hardware problem.

Try running it in safe mode and run a few scans and check things out from there.
My hp died recently after 2.5 years.The battery had reached the end of its life and the power plug wouldn't charge anymore.In my experience of 3 laptops in a family setting ,this lifespan is about normal.