Problem neighbour

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I have a huge probem with a neighbour that is insists on invading my privacy. I am renting a property in the country and the land behind me is owned by my landlord. I am currently placing a 7 ft high wooden fence up to stop my neighbour, (who is the landlords sibling) looking straight into my house, which he does regularly. He has horses and sheep on the land. He is constantly placing his animals directly behind our house.
Now, Our kitchen window looks out on his bathroom window. He was one day, after his kids birthday party and knowing we could see him, in the bathroom, with light on and blind up, masterbating, which sickened us. We have to keep our blind down now.
Recently he starting screaming at me to come out of the house because my son (7) stuck his finger up at him, the reason for my sons behaviour is due to special needs and the neighbour knows this. So i told him a few home truths about his inappropriate behaviour and how Im sick of him looking in our home, along with other info I had on him. He then threatened me by saying, "I am going to get you out of there"
Can I have this person reported for any of the above situations. My main problem is he is related to my landlord, but do not get on. Also, his kids have been in my garden, using my kids trampoline. His children also like to keep telling my kids to go inside, when they are playing outside.
I am close to the edge and would like some help, please!
He is unemployed, but has 6 horses, sheep and land. is this allowed?
It sounds like an absolute nightmare, potentially damaging for your children and for you.

Is moving out an option?
Cannot move as our child has special needs and due to this he needs routine. We have finally settled him down here
If your intuition doesn't tell you to move out of the house and the area nothing will. Living next door to a sicko is one thing - the fact that he is willing to display his perversion is another, especially when children are around. The best thing you could do is to go and source another property to rent and tell your landlord the reasons you are leaving.
Cannot move as our child has special needs and due to this he needs routine. We have finally settled him down here

It looks to me as if the routine is not a healthy one. Surely it would be better if his routine were disturbed once rather than constantly, which is what you seem to be experiencing at present.
What about discussing the situation with your landlord?
If it is his own son who is causing the problems surely it would be in their interest to sort it out or else lose their tenant?
I sympathise with you though....nothing worse than a bad neighbour.
Have you spoken to your landlord?
He said "I'm going to get you out of here" which makes me think the issue is with his brother and not you personally...

But obviously he is using you and your family to get at his brother.
You are not in a homely safe environment whilst you live there and that will affect you and your kids. This will be a constant battle and you're caught in the middle. Your neighbour sounds too much like a psychopath for my liking, I guess he put his kids up to trespass and the verbal abuse to your kids. I don't want to scare you but with someone that unbalanced who knows what he is capable of doing?

You could involve the garda, ispca, social services, etc, but I fear this would only antagonize him and make matters worse for you.

Finding another home may seem like a lot of hassel for you and your child at the moment, but in the long run it would be worth it. I agree with Mercman..tell your landlord why you are planning to leave...But get the hell out of there is my advice.
Hi Vipereire

Firstly is this a genuine post?. You say in your profile that computers are your interest, and yet this is your first post here?

Further you have given some very specific information. Are you sure that your neighbour or smeone connected to him does not read this board. You might attract defamation proceedings.

If you are genuine and not winding us up you can
(1) report the masturbation to Gardai
(2) seek a circuit court injunction to cease trespass by his family onto the area leased.

Such proceedings cost money, and cause stress and may not solve the overall problem.

Therefore unless you can afford litigation and are mentally tough, would advice moving.
Hi Vipereire

Firstly is this a genuine post?. You say in your profile that computers are your interest, and yet this is your first post here?
Why is that unusual? I've been interested in computers for years but only joined here recently.
Also the neighbour masturbated in his own home not in public.
Yes this is a genuine post, thank you for the advice. Both my wife and I are curently looking at every avenue possible.
By the way, the internet is a huge place for blogs etc, this is my first time actually using this site as it was relevent to what I was looking for at the time.
Viper, your neighbours conduct should be reported to Gardai. The masturbation in a lighted window may be deemed to be indecent exposure. This is an offence at common law and under various statutes including Criminal Law Act 1935 and Public Order legislation. While his house is obviously not a public place, it may have been visiible from a public place.

Gardai would be concerned with such conduct in the vicinity of young children.
Thank you nuac, we are going frward with your idea. Thank you all for your help!
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