Problem accessing secure sites


Registered User
Have tried to solve this by looking at various threads but haven't managed to fix the problem yet! Basically I can't access any pages that invlove a login or payment ie banking pages, aerlingus etc... I have checked the settings under the advanced tab in tools but perhaps there is something I've missed! I'd be very grateful for any help....
Did this just start happening recently? It sounds like a cookies/security setting problem — although obviously you can log in to AAM!

1) resetting your IE security and privacy settings to low/medium
2) clearing your browser cache (Control panel/Network settings/Local Area network/Repair this connection)
3) if the above fail, you could do a system restore (Control panel/System/System settings/System restore) and pick a date prior to when the problem started occurring.
Thanks for that ...have tried to do system restore but it failed, have reset sucurity settings also so will try to clear the cache now! It seems to be all logins to banking that I have problems with.
Thanks again!
Bank of Scotland & PTSB who tried to talk me through it but we couldn't get beyond the login page even after I checked all the right boxes in Advanced/tools. Have also tried to book flights but no joy!
Yes..following a thread here on AAM I tried to download the Mozilla browser but that failed too!
Did you try to add the website to your "Trusted Sites" list in your internet explorer settings (in Tools...Options, Security Tab). I wouldn't leave the site listed there forever but I think it may work....
Thanks Steelblue and Dr. Moriarty..tried that too but alas I still can't access them!
I'm afraid that's about the upper limit of my IT expertise, gauloise ...hopefully someone more competent can shed light on it!

I find it odd that you can't do a system restore — this might suggest that you've picked up some sort of trojan/malware, although I can't see the connection with problematic secure logins....
Thanks for that Steelblue and Dr.Moriarty.....I'm downloading now so fingers crossed!
Just thought I would let you know that I've resolved this problem following on from those links steelblue which were great..not too sure which action I took worked for me as I tried a few but I followed Larry's advice in the forum and changed the certificate settings as per his instructions and also changed the proxy (whatever that was!) rebooted and hey presto it works!

So thank you sooooo much!