probate what do i do with cheque from insurance



Hello. The family house is damaged by fire. the Probate has not being finalised. I +another family member am an executor. Solicitor told us to open a/c and get overdraft facility to pay bills etc.until probate. Solicitor will then write out the cheques for each bill. But this was before the fire.
The cost of repairs will be 20,000

4 other beneficiaries to house.

When the insurance company pays the bill for the damage what will I do with the cheque. Repairs have been completed and the builder is looking for his money and is not willing to wait for probate to be taken out. This probate has recently started.

Can we lodge the cheque from the insurance company to my personal account or the other executor's account.. Then we can pay the builder out of this money. do we need to tell the solicitor about this cheque since it does not belong to the deceased's assets? or does this cheque have to be leggaly lodged into the new account opened by executors.?
Thanks for help. ron
Who is the cheque made out to?

You may be best to give the cheque to the solicitor and have him pay the builder out of the proceeds.