prizes for pub-quiz



Hi all
the footy team I am involved with are having a fundraising pub-quiz at the end of October and I was volunteered (thanks!) to track the prizes down!!!
Has anyone any suggestions what companies are good to approach to donate/sponsor a prize?
has anyone got any advice from their own experiences of doing this?

thanks in advance
Divine :)
jurys doyles gave us a free weekend for a school draw a few years ago.
I'd say you have to think first of how big the quiz is going to be, how many people you expect, how much per table, whether you're providing sandwiches or snacks, taking it seriously or the quiz being just a bit of fun, etc.

If you're looking for donations of prizes, you should check local businesses but bear in mind, businesses get asked for freebies all the time. I'd say, to be fair, stick to the one's you know the football team members, family and associates use regularly. It depends on where you are but don't expect too much, especially from small businesses but give credit to any place that does make a donation.
Don't forget to ask the place you're having the quiz, they should put up something for you attracting a large number of punters in one evening.

Good luck and enjoy the craic. :)