Private vs. public healthcare

Re: The Lisbon vote

Health insureance for me and my family is around 2 grand (not a big family!). you think this is affordable for some one with 3 or 4 kids on an average industrial wage where its probalbly doubled?

The average income in this country is not far of 40k per year. 2k is only 5% of this. 2.5% if both parents are working. Considering the importance of being healthy, this percentage spend on healthcare is very low. Even if the family has an income of only 30k per annum, it is still a small percentage of total income. People spend more money on holidays, beer, expensive consumer electrical goods etc. than they do on health insurance, but which is more important?

Tell that to the families of workers of companies in ireland who have gone bust in the last few months and who are unemployed through no fautl of their own.

Even with the slowdown, we are still importing 10,000s of workers per annum. Go into most businesses in Ireland and you'll find imported workers. An unemployed person in Ireland should have no problems getting a job.
Re: The Lisbon vote

Average household income was 35000 in 2005 lets say its 40000 today.

So a family with three kids 2 parents working, with costs like creches cars morgages, food, fuel, etc etc etc,. Im sorry but a family on 30,000 a year who have to pay 2000 for health care and you dont think thats alot of money??? What planet are you on seriously.

An unemployed person in Ireland should have no problems getting a job.

Tell that to the 200000 spungers out there.
Re: The Lisbon vote

Im sorry but a family on 30,000 a year who have to pay 2000 for health care and you dont think thats alot of money???

6.67% is a low percentage. As I said earlier, what % do they spend on luxuries?

Tell that to the 200000 spungers out there.

You said it. How many of these are genuinely out of work? If a foreign person can arrive in Ireland with little more than some clothes in a suitcase and after a short time, be in regular work, able to support a family etc. with little or no support from the State, I see no reason why the 200k spongers cant.

e.g. there are c.100,000 Chinese people working in Ireland, doing some of the lowest paid jobs that exist here. All, as non-EU citizens, require private health insurance before being even allowed to enter the country. So if they can afford it, why cant you?
Re: The Lisbon vote

You said it. How many of these are genuinely out of work?

I was being ironic. Really no talking to you on this one. We will have to agggree to differ.

6% for someone on a low income is a lot of money. and a person on a lwo income has some rights to things like a night out or a holiday once a year as well as affordable health care.
Re: The Lisbon vote

6.67% is a low percentage. As I said earlier, what % do they spend on luxuries?

I looked on the VHI and for a family of 2 with level 1 day to day cover the yearly premium is 1816Euro. With an average wage of 40,000 that's 4.5% of ones income. Sorry but that's a low percentage. If you want universal publicly funded health care, what increase in your social insurance are you willing to pay? Do you know how much the French pay for their system? Google it, you might be surprised.
Re: The Lisbon vote

Sorry buy]t 4.5% for a family with 2 kids is not a low percentage. it is a very high persentage. it 1800E which is a hell of a lot of cash. And its not an average wage im talking about it the average househould income which is a completly different figure.

If I believed that there was a unoversally public system that counld be accessed by all equaly regardless of income then i would be willing to pay my fair share that is afordable to me based on my income. And yes that will mean the richer members of societly will pay more but im willing to pay a little more if it means helping those who cannot.
Re: The Lisbon vote

I support a universal health insurance system where both private and public patients are seen as a source of income as opposed to the current system where public patients are a drain on hospitals resources but private patients are a source of income.
In agree that those who can pay more should pay more. I also support a health system that is free (or close to free) at the point of consumption but that doesn’t mean that it has to be publicly provided.
Re: The Lisbon vote

So I will ask again. What % increase in your social insurnace/tax/whatever are you willing to pay? Do you know how much the French pay for their system?
Re: The Lisbon vote

Isn't this all a bit vague, and is typical of arguing using generalities which sound good but don't stand up to scrutiny..

Sorry buy]t 4.5% for a family with 2 kids is not a low percentage. it is a very high persentage.
High compared to what ?

it 1800E which is a hell of a lot of cash. And its not an average wage im talking about it the average househould income which is a completly different figure.
What is the average household income ?

OK, but what is 'a little bit more' - Less than 4.5% ? You say that 4.5% is very high, so does that mean you wouldn't pay that much. How much would a universally available healthcare system cost ?
Re: The Lisbon vote

Isn't this all a bit vague, and is typical of arguing using generalities which sound good but don't stand up to scrutiny..

High compared to what ??

if you are paying a big morgage have one kid in a crech and one in a primary school. running a car, inlfation biting economy not going to well. 1800E is a hell of a lot of money. its the real world im talking about here.

What is the average household income ??
A useful guide to giving an idea of household incomes

OK, but what is 'a little bit more' - Less than 4.5% ? You say that 4.5% is very high, so does that mean you wouldn't pay that much. How much would a universally available healthcare system cost ?

Very high for a family on the average industrial wage yes.
Re: The Lisbon vote

So I will ask again. What % increase in your social insurnace/tax/whatever are you willing to pay? Do you know how much the French pay for their system?

What I would be willing to pay and what a guy with two kids earning 40000 a year should pay are very different.

I would be willing to pay porportanally more than him but porportanally less than someone who earns more than me.

The french system is run through a serious of health insurance schemes. the fact about the frenc system is that level of income will not determine the kind of health care avalible. It is a equitable system. But it is under treat.
Re: The Lisbon vote

Re: The Lisbon vote

People who can't afford the VHI fees are not a drain on resources they have paid for the service through their taxes and PRSI.

People who pay for VHI have already paid once through their taxes and PRSI then pay a second time to jump the queue.
Re: The Lisbon vote

Actually for him it would be completly free health care for his children and a small contribution from his wages say 2% or perhaps nothing.

So to pay for 2 people + 2 kids health insurance some other poor schumck is going to have to fork out, what ? 20% increase in his tax contribution?
Re: The Lisbon vote

So to pay for 2 people + 2 kids health insurance some other poor schumck is going to have to fork out, what ? 20% increase in his tax contribution?

No a fair and equitable amount based on their level of income.
Re: The Lisbon vote

That's hilarious. You voted no to the Lisbon Treaty in case it resulted in further privatisation of Irish health services but you actually pay for private health care for yourself.

It is refreshing to see someone whose beliefs run so deep.

I am not like that woman who stayed on the public list and ended up dying of cancer because she didnt get treatment in time. Yes i am fortunate enough to pay for VHI but I believe in the principle that those who cannot afford to pay what i can should get the same kind of treatment as me. And i think that a not for profit health system is the best mechenism to deliver this. A for profit health system creates a divide between those who can pay and those who cant. that is unfair and immoral.
Re: The Lisbon vote

So you want universal healthcare but are refusing to say who will pay for it and how much you will pay for it. Typical.

Listen I could give you a arbetary figure but what would that mean exaclty. But if you want me to I will. Ok a extra % in the top rate of tax for all those earning 50 grand and one and a half% for those earning over 75 grand. with factors taken into account like number of children etc. However someone earlier mentioned the labour idea of a universal health insurance scheme akin to the french system. Where contributions would be based on income.
Re: The Lisbon vote

A for profit health system creates a divide between those who can pay and those who cant. that is unfair and immoral.

Yet you continue to pay for said services despite your stated aversion to private health care. Why worry about Europe foistering private health care on the Irish public when you yourself are already driving the demand?

You believe that health care should only be provided by the public sector. No choice for the consumer. Yet when faced with the choice between public and private sector health care you find the public sector wanting and opt for the private sector intead. I am not condemning you for this in any way. If I had dependent children I'd probably purchase private health insurance as well. However, I do find it galling that you desire to deny others the same choice.

Anyway, I'm dragging this thread off-topic. There is discussion [url="]here[/url] concerning public/private healthcare which is probably more suited to a continuation of this discussion.