Private rented accommodation - noise issues


Registered User

I'm new to this forum and have done a search but can't find an answer to my question:

I am a tenant in rented accommodation. The tenant in the flat above me comes in after midnight and makes loud noises through out the night.
I've complained to the landlord several times, and again today. He said he will talk to the tenant again and suggested I send a note to the tenant as well.

My question is - can I take any legal action against the other tenant? I know I can go to the PTRB but understand this is a long drawn out process.
Also, how much would a solicitor charge to send a letter to the landlord or tenant?

My sleep is being seriously disturbed and my health affected.

Would appreciate any advice.

Hi Maread,

I was in a similar situation, so I know how awful it can be.

Have you called up to the other apartment, to let them know you are being disturbed, and to ask them to be quieter during the night? I would start off by doing this.
Then if the situation does not improve, get your landlord to do the same, and also to send them a letter outlining the problem and asking them to be quieter.
Are they renting or owner-occupier? If renting, you could contact their landlord aswell.
What kind of noise goes on all night - loud music, or dropping things on the floor etc?
Also, have you tried earplugs - they dont block out all noise, but do reduce the volume.

If the other tennant is up all night, (s)he'll need to sleep during the day, so I'm sure someone will suggest you turn your music on full blast before you go to work in the morning and leave it on all day!

Best of luck with it,
As ragazza has suggested you should call up to them when the noise is happening tell them you are being disturbed and ask them to quieten down. If it continues after that make a complaint to the gardai. We had a similar problem with the guy in the flat above us playing loud music every morning at 5am. The guards called and had a chat with him and the noise stopped after that.
I agree your first port of call should be to call to the door and politely ask them to keep it down. But before going to the gardai you should check with the managment companies about the house rules. Most state that you have to keep noise to a reasonable level between 10pm and 8am so you could get the property manager to contact them and ask them to be quieter. If they don't, there's usually a facility to fine them - but I doubt them banging about or putting the washing machine on at odd hours would come under this remit. More likely it's for noisy parties. The other thing you need to find out is whether the person living there is a tenant or an owner/occupier. If they're a tenant, you have a stronger case for going to the managment company, who can then put pressure on the landlord. But if they're an owner/occupier it's a bit more difficult.
Don't envy you - there's nothing worse than being kept awake all night by a noisy neighbour
... make a complaint to the gardai.

In my experience this was utterly useless. A bunch of Polish people are renting a house near me, they seem to be cramming loads of them in - I think the sitting and dining rooms are both being used as bedrooms - and they seem to think it's ok to blare music with all the windows open.

I phoned the police who said they'd call around and ask them to turn it down, but that was all they could do. They did call around and the noise level dropped for a short while.

I called around and explained that I could hear their music inside my house with the double glazed windows closed - they are about 35 yards away from my house! - and they apologised and then turned up the music as soon as I got home.

Eventually someone around our cul de sac remembered who the letting agents were, so we started phoning them every time the music got too loud.

Things have improved a lot now, not perfect, but a big improvement.

If you know who the letting agent is, you could try the same approach.

This link has some useful advice: [broken link removed]

Good luck, I know how awful it is to go through this.
Thanks everyone for your advice.

I spoke to the landlord yesterday evening, and he must have had a word with him because he was quieter last night.
Still could hear the occasional sound but he seems to be making an effort.

There is no management company, it's a house that has been divided into flats. All the rooms have wooden floors.
I am seriously considering moving to somewhere where I would be on the top floor, in a house with other working people.
I use earplugs but they don't block out everything.

The rent is cheap here - €400 per month for a small one bedroom flat. I have returned to college part-time and so work 3 days a week so i can't afford a "proper" apartment with concrete floors.
In the meantime I'm going to try going to bed early - 9pm ish and at least get some sleep before he comes crashing in at 2pm.

I thought a solicitors letter might get the landlord and the tenant to take the issue more seriously, but am now resolved on looking for somewhere else. Life is too short!

Thanks again
Thanks again
Tree tiger you have nearly described my situation word for word your not in Naas are you?
Hi Randal, no I'm not in Naas. Sadly there are inconsiderate people all over the place. :(

If it's any consolation it means you're not the only one suffering!