Private Property (FPN)


Registered User
A question posed to which I'm unsure of the answer...who can issue a fixed penalty notice, for an alleged offence that allegedly occured on private which the property owner stated that permission to do so was neither sought or given ?? and which the property owner says is required ??
The UK Police issue Fixed Penalty Notices, The Gardai issue Fixed Charge Notices, Traffic Wardens are also permitted issue them for certain offences.

The Gardai & Wardens are entitled to issued FCNs for an offence on private property to which the public are admitted as set out in the Road Traffic & Local Authority (Traffic Wardens) Acts. You do something stupid in a private business's car park, you can be done for it, the property owner does not get a say.

Unless you decide to be a lot less cryptic, there's little more to be gained here.
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