Private house sale Tips re advert and For Sale signs, where to get them and how much?


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I have decided to sell our home privately and am wondering where and how much a For sale sign would cost. I have one quote already for €55, just wondering if this is reasonable or not?

Also what are the best tips for selling a house. Am thinking of putting an ad in Buy and sell, the local free newspaper which costs €200 for 3 weeks double ad(allows 3 photos and approx 100 word writeup). I am also going to put a free ad in Daft with a photo. Can a person put an ad in MYhome or is it worth it (the house is in Clare/Limerick area).

Is there anything I am missing here?

I have(i should add Mrs Sully helped a little) cleaned the house top to bottom, got rid of all the clutter. We have left most of the furniture in the house and would be thinking of selling this with the house. Is selling contents a good or bad idea and would it increase the value significantly?

Mrs sully is going to add a few flower boxes and a few things for curb appeal. Is this worth the effort?

Thats about all I can think of at the moment.
Re: Private house sale Tips re advert and For Sale signs, where to get them and how m

a little tip Ive been viewing houses and cant understand why people dont put in airfreshners and heating onwhen people go to view it.

and fair play to you selling it yourself your prob saving ur self €1,000s with not goin to an estate agent trying to buy my 1st house at the moment and put a bid in last night suddenly its gone up 3k but when we told him we werent goin to go for it he changed his tune dropped it 1,500
Re: Private house sale Tips re advert and For Sale signs, where to get them and how m

You are doing the right things, but make sure the kitchen and bathroom are spotless, people open ovens, microwaves, wardrobes, under the stairs to see how mcuh space there is available. Sherryfitz do a good booklet on what to do, drop into an office, I am sure they will give you one. Make sure the gardens/driveway are presented really well, the front of the house is the first thing people see. Removing the clutter is an excellent idea and it helps clear out stuff you actually dont need. Cut the grass and trim the edging as well. Do have the heating on before someone comes to view, on a cold day, a lit open/gas fire works wonders. Try to depersonalise it as much as possible so people dont think its yours. Clean all windows and leave curtains and blinds up and open.

On the contents, I would tell prospective buyers that an inventory list can be provided if they are interested, give them option, if you say you must take the contents, people will think twice about it. Watch that guy Andrew Winter on C4 about selling homes, it may seem a bit obvious but some there are some useful tips. Loads of selling tips on the net as well
I am using an estate agent at present. 1.1%+vat + 300 advertsing costs

Thus far she has organised
10 viewings.
Negotiated with 2-3 bidders.
Filtered out the non-serious buyers (people without their own houses up for sale)
Accepted their booking deposit and sent it on to my solictors
Been to the house with my purchasers for 1st viewing 2nd viewing and for measurements.
Let in their valuer. Let in their surveyor

They have saved me a lot of time and hassle, albeit at 4k circa it was pricey
Thanks for the link extopia, will use that site too for selling the place. Also thanks stobear for those tips. Will call into sherryfitz at somestage this week to collect that booklet. I don't know about depersonalising the house too much, dont want the place to be too sterile and characterless.

Well the house is in good nick, will be doing a few spot paint jobs but nothing too drastic, just freshen up the window sills and the front door and the side gate mainly. The rest of the house seems fine to me and not in need of any painting.

Hmm can't decide whether to paint over the feature walls(Mrs sully was big into decorating the place and painted some walls different colours to the plainer walls) in the house but will probably leave them as is. Generally the colours are fairly neutral as is(apart from feature walls). we have already moved all our personal pictures but was thinking of having back up some of the art prints but am not oo sure about this?
I am pretty sure that you have to be an auctioneer/estate agent to advertise on
Correct, for 165Euro but be careful here as the agent may claim they sold the house and want their commission.
Ok That's Myhome ruled out anyway. What do people think of open viewings. I am thinking of going along this route as it would be easiest for me. ie like having an open viewing at the weekend between 12 and 2. Is this a good idea or would i be better to schedule them in individually.

I know from personal experience as a buyer I would probably prefer the an individual viewing. However on the flip side i think an open viewing shows that there is alot of interest in the house and creates almost a competitive atmosphere. What do people think??
I am like yourself and would prefer the attention of the seller when viewing, it feels more personal. You can discuss the advantages of the house on a one to one basis whereas in a open environment you might find it difficult to cater to everyone questions, plus people could just walk out if they were not interested and you dont get the option to do selling talk! Do put aside one afternoon if you get 5 or 6 viewings and give them your undivided attention.
i know from recently buying i rarely got to view a house where there werent at least one other set of interested parties present.

It never bothered me that there were other people looking around in some cases found it more pleasant and you are right it does create a competitive atmosphere i felt it myself ......sure when selling my house our agent had 5 sets of viewers in the one night.

I would give it a go.

Best of luck
Yeah i was thinking that the open view might work best for my situation, currently working in dublin and house is in clare. I could get a friend or a relative to do viewings but then i would have no control and would feel a little uncomfortable having others do this for me.
Re: Private house sale Tips re advert and For Sale signs, where to get them and how m

sully said:
currently working in dublin and house is in clare.

Well now thats different

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I Know, you are not the first to think that its usually the other way around(moving from dublin to the country). Besides i am getting tired of living in the sticks and want something a bit more cosmopolitan and where there is reasonably good infrastructure and so on.
We are in Dublin and there is reasonable demand for houses in our area. We sold our house recently and it cost us less than €100 - excluding solicitor. That was for one ad in the Independent - got about 8 calls. We also put a free ad in the local Superquinn from which we got a number of calls. We had two open viewings - and the buyer was able to get direct answers from us to his queries without having to go through an estate agent. You get a chance to suss out the buyer yourself and gauge their real interest. We found the whole selling process quite straightforward and would recommed direct selling to anyone in similar circumstances. We saved at least €5000 plus any advertising costs for myhome etc.