Private Bus operators, who regulates ?


Registered User
Hi all.

I'm wondering if anyone knows who (if anyone) regulates the private bus/coach sector ? Does a bus need to be licenced to operate on a route ? Or can any budding entrepreneur decided to run a regular service on a route that they think could sustain it.

The reason I ask is that a friend of mine is having a lot of trouble with an operator in a remote part of the country. This operator claims to run a weekday daily service to a local town but they frequently don't turn up.

I know you're all thinking, why does your friend persist in using the service, but in this instance there is no alternative (other than paying heavily for a taxi/hackney).

I am also wondering if these operators are able to claim some state grants/incentives for providing services that service remote areas. If so, in this case, the operator isn't fulfilling their end of the deal...

Anyways, as you can probably tell, I really haven't much of a clue about this! If anyone could enlighten me, I'd be very grateful.


-g :) (Department of Transport)?
If it's a town outside of the environs of Dublin County then you might find that Bus Eireann would be of assistance, within Dublin then it would be Dublin Bus.

Some routes have been taken up by private operators in the place of the above mentioned semi-state companies. Other options would be the local council/carriage office.

There is also a possibility that the operator is a member of the CILT, so you could check out their creds there and see what they have to say on the matter.
From what I understand, if a private bus operator is running a scheduled service and collecting fares from passengers, then he must have a Bus Passenger licence. However, if the service is a 'private hire' arrangement, for example, a once-off school day tour where he is not collecting fares, then a licence is not needed. Bus operators also need a Road Passenger Transport Operators licence when carrying passengers for reward (similar to a haulage licence required by hauliers). Bus Operators also operate services under the Rural Transport Initiative. The Dept. of Transport should be able to help you out with specific queries.