Privacy and Dashboard cameras/Recorders


Registered User
Was in Lidl today and their Dashboard camera/Full Hd DVR recorders were going like hot buns at 60 yoyos a pop.

Just wonder what the privacy issues are given that a CCTV camera on your house cannot take in the road or path.

So I stick it in the car and leave the car on the road....

To see what they work like see here:
[broken link removed]
Gives a starting point.

the essence of which is
1: if u want to do CCTV in a public space u need a licence
2: folks can sue in civil court for breach of privacy
Domestic use of CCTV systems.

The processing of personal data kept by an individual and concerned solely with the management of his/her personal, family or household affairs or kept by an individual for recreational purposes is exempt from the provisions of the Acts. This exemption would generally apply to the use of CCTVs in a domestic environment. However, the exemption may not apply if the occupant works from home. [ Where the exemption does apply, a person who objects to the use of a* CCTV system - for example, a neighbour who objects to images of her/his* property being recorded - may be able to take a civil legal action* based on the Constitutional and Common Law right to privacy.]