Priority Debts



I've made numerous (unsuccessful) attempts over the past 18 months to make payments on loans that we have.

We have one sporadic income (self employed) - which would average weekly €300 plus one weekly dole payment of €188. We have 2 kids, 11 & 6

We have 30k in arrears when "big loans" are totted up.
13k to revenue
10k to mortgage
7k to credit union

We also owe 500 for electricity, 1000 credit card, 1000 unauthorised overdraft.

We don't waste money (we don't have it to waste). Don't EVER go anywhere (no nights out, no holidays etc so we are by no means frivilious)

Car hasn't been taxed for months, no house insurance, mortgage protection, defo no health insurance.

I don't know where to start...........saw on mabs website that credit card, credit union and bank overdraft are "secondary debts" - obviously mortgage is priority and assume revenue is too.

I know we can get through this if we take the right approach - or am I too optimistic?
Sorry to hear of your situation - I can't imagine how stressful it must be for you.
Only you can decide on your priority debts - as the priority we attach to things always depends on your personal circumstances and values.

If I were in your boat I would prioritise in the following
- Mortgage payments (you need a place to live, for you and your family)
- Electricity, Heating, Bin Charges etc.
- Car tax and insurance - if you have an accident, you will be in a worse situation ie a criminal record and HUGE bills.
- The remaining bank / credit card debts. Pay them off based on the basis of which ones are incurring the biggest interest rates / penalty charges.

You mentioned that you've looked at the MABS website. Thats a good start, but have you been to talk to them? They can help you talk to your lenders and may even be able to help you put in place an agreed repayment plan and a freeze on your interest payments / penalties. If you haven't been GO NOW. Your local MABS office may have a waiting list, the sooner you go, the sooner you get their help.

You ask if you're being too optimistic re getting out of this situation. No one can tell you that based on the limited information you've given above e.g. you haven't mentioned how much debt you currently manage to repay per month, what you're future earning capability is likely to be etc.
Let's hope you get through this.

Best of luck !
Make appointment with mabs, they can help you get interest frozen on c.card for a start. Its hard to see clearly when you are in debt but Mabs
are a great help. Good luck!