Priority boarding

I would recommend it especially if you are after gettig a cheap flight.The last time I flew with them I had'nt booked it on line and had to stand in queue for hours so coming back I booked it at the airport and only four people had it booked.

The rest of the passengers are let on immediately after but the mayhem that follows as people try to put thier hand luggage in the overhead lockers and there simply is not enough space to stow them all.
I dont see the point, each seat is as crap as the next, why would you want to spend an extra 15mins on the plane?
Exit rows are worth it but you still have to be front of the priority queue to get them!
I like it just so I am not stuck at the back of the very long queue of people who decide to make said queue as soon as a) the staff mention something vaguely about boarding 'soon' or b) they see a plane pulling up outside. Doesnt have to be by our gate, but anywhere near.

I refuse to queue with these people an hour before the boarding commences.

Thats when you laugh at the folly of those eager beavers and head to get another round or two in the airport bar!
I never queue but do have fun watching everyone pushing/shoving to get up the line and then scramble to get seats. I don't have to travel with kids but do travel with others at times. It never bothers me if we don't get seats together and I have no preference for seats on the plan.
Never can I understand why people queue like they do.
I concur, people are always complaining about queues and the airport is a prime example of where people create their own for no reason!
I flew with Ryanair for the first time recently. Travelling with child so paid for priority boarding - not really worth it as no-one checked or controlled who boarded when - the announcement said that boarding was priority only but everyone just pushed forward - we were lucky that we were at the gate relatively early so sitting close to the gate and gots seats together on the very full flight. Have also heard of people getting 'priority boarding' onto the bus that takes you to the plane - which is as useful as a chocolate teapot.
I will generally always pay for Priority Boarding as I can't stand queueing!!! Anytime I've used it, it has always been well worth it. The staff have been well organised and only allow those with a priority boarding card through...
I prefer to board the plane last. No point getting on a bus first either as last on bus gets off first.
I prefer to board the plane last. No point getting on a bus first either as last on bus gets off first.

Not quite sure what the logic is here? Generally when I get on a plane first I choose a seat closest to the door, whether it's at the front or the back of the plane!! Usually, the last seats left are the ones in the middle where you're queueing for an age to get off.

I believe Bronte was referring to the fact that bus is a LIFO queuing system, last in first out. The last people onto the bus always have to stand just inside the door and hence are always first off.....
whats the point of it really, its not like your saving that much time plus your giving that cheeky monkey o'leary more money for nothing.
I can never understand queueing for Ryanair flights. I know Ryanair have their moments but they are still making sure there is a seat for everyone. It doesnt really bother me if I am sitting apart for the rest of my group. It's only for a few hours.
We always board last. I can't understand why people will stand in a queue when there is a seat for everyone anyway. We nearly always get seated together.
I use it on and off. I like sitting either close to the rear or front of the plane and I like to ge an aisle seat. I also like having my bag in close vincinity, so by boarding first you can be sure to have free space in the overhead locker, especially when you want to sit in the front.
i used to use it but most times they dont even control it and you end up paying for the priority and not getting it. Especially when you get priority to get on a bus to the plane. What a joke