printing pictures


Registered User

I want to print a picture from a file that contains five pictures. They were sent by email and I have them saved in My Pictures. How can I isolate and print each individual picture rather than print all five pictues at once. Can this be done? Have tried all options (dragging, cut paste) but the file stays as one. I have only the 10 by 15 photo paper and if all 5 print on one sheet , which is what is happening, then they will be tiny. I hope I have explained myself well enough so that sombody can help me. Merry Christmas!.
What kind of file is it, Swallows (i.e. what's the 'file extension' — the last 3 or 4 letters after the dot)?
That means someone has edited 5 separate images into a single one — you won't be able to print the 5 images separately until you re-edit that .jpeg by selecting and saving each one as a new .jpeg — and then the quality may not be great, although probably bearable at 10 x 15cm.

If it's not a 'sensitive' image, I'd be happy to give it a try for you — I'm sending you my email address by pm. If you prefer to try it yourself, Picasa would handle a job like that as well as most...
I've just sent them back as separate .jpegs, Swallows — let me know if they don't come through and I'll spread them between 2 or 3 emails and try again (total attachments size was over 3Mb, and I don't know if inboxes can handle messages that big?)

Nice pictures!
Yes Dr., They are all back and thanks very much for your help.

Great stuff, as we were here all evening trying this and trying that and nothing working.

All we have to do now is print them out and find frames. Have a gret Xmas and thanks again.