Primrose Gate, Celbridge

Off-licence in Primrose Gate, Celbridge

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]provision of off-licence subsidiary to the main retail use(reg refs 04/1913 pl09.211976) on ground floor of Block A with a floor area of 390m2 [/FONT]

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FILE NUMBER: 06/2294
PG1, at least you are not paying the price of the appartments and duplexes and everytime you want to use the bin is full. so far we have got nothing for our manegment money as far as I can see. I contacted the lady and she told me plenty of the ideas she had but nothing until the whole site is finish and whe don't know when would that be. in the meantime I am not paying them again.
i totally gree estrella.... i was on the other day to her aswell and she hasnt got a clue. I do see the bins full and that is a disgrace.. `we have yet to be asked for our management fee for the second year yet so we wont be saying a thing until asked for it... then well query what has been done for our money.
I also live in Primrose Gate (in one of the duplex houses that consists of 4 apartments) for the last 11 months and I'm not happy with the management company either.

- I have only seen the grass around my place being cut three times so far with a strimmer!!
- At one time, I was watching window men cleaning the top 2 floors of the apartment block across from me and they left the bottom windows unclean before moving onto the next block!
- The garden beds are getting a bit wild around the apartment blocks.
- Roads are filthy.
- Bins (this is doing my head in) are always overflowing with rubbish which result in the recycling bins being used for rubbish as well. Nearly every monday evening, the crows would have some of the rubbish out on the ground..... need i say more?!!

I've been trying to find out exactly what we are paying the management company for. I have paid €875 back in January for the management fee but it is unknown how this fee is broken down. Can anyone please advise me on this as I'm not happy paying another fee for the poor services we are receiving so far....

Also, does anyone have problems with mice in their houses or apartments?? Caught 7 so far (most of them were caught behind the walls using the air vents and one was caught inside just last week when I saw the rascal!). Should the management company do something about this??

(BTW, we also had major problems with your one in Barina Construction for snagging appointments. That's another story )
hey cels13. You should ring the management company and ask them for a breakdown of your bill .The woman is extremely nice and helpful. You havent a problem eith your mice by the way. When we moved in last year we got 23 mice. The little f**kers! Weve had one or two back this year. just block up as many holes as possible. You will always get mice with the amount of fields surrounding the estate. Just keep killing them. Unfortunately i would saythe management company can do anthing about mice. Its not there problem.

The roads are a disgrace and i hope theyll be sorted asap.

Let us know how you get on with your managment fee.

hi all,

dont get me started with management companies. i think AAM could start a whole new section on management companies as they are very topical at the moment. i am an accountant and i do accounts for a couple of managament companies and from what i can see the majority of them are rip offs. In the start the management company more than likley is a friend or an associate of the builders who have to remain on as directors of the company until the estate is finished and the residents are happy to take over the running of the company. At this stage the majority of housing estates then change over to a new management company. i would not be surprised if the current management company charged something in the region of €20 - 25k for the annual management of the estate. now this figure is soley for the purpose of the management!! all the grass cutting etc is usually on top of this. Can everyone reply to this posting letting me know how much they are currently paying in management charges? i am in the 3 bed semi and i had to pay my fee to my solicitor when i signed for the house so i am not fully sure how much it was. i think it was in the region of €700 - €800.