Primetime debate last night re 1916 & Eoghan Harris

Betsy Og

Registered User
In the words of the single F.U.R.B. - Eoghan Harris must be smoking crack.

He ended the show telling us that the men &women of 1916 were the suicide bombers of their day. The suggestion was also made, mainly by the DUP MLA, that commemerating 1916 was encouraging dissident republicans of today. Same man didnt volunteer any worries about commemerating 1690, or about the mobilisation of Ulster Volunteers at the time Home Rule was proposed.

Have they no sense of context??

It isnt even valid to compare the 1916 people with the Provos, since in 1916 there was not a democratic alternative (Home Rule wasnt going to happen) and there was not a sectarian element to their escapade. Also, their "ideal" did have the support of the nation - even if the week long fiasco didnt.

It was suggested that all the civilians killed in Easter week were killed by the Irish. I admit I dont have the figures but I would have thought that levelling O'Connell Street with shells might have had something to do with it....

Harris also said that respect for Collins was "glorifying a gunman".

Is it only under the Union Jack and Stars & Stripes that a just war can be fought??

The northern terrorism has made Irish Republicanism a dirty word and its high time it was reclaimed for the people of the State (albeit that the current efforts are due to party political concerns).

Well done to the opposing debaters, Manseragh and the Dublin historian who gave fact, context and balance to the discussion.

Harris and the Sindo in general really annoys me - on the odd ocassion I flick through the rag - havent bought it in years. It seems to be the refuge of the extreme right wingers & southern unionists. Now I'm not denying free speech or the validity of alternative viewpoints but its largely repetitive bile. It isnt Sunday unless Sinn Fein arent to be blamed for the woes of the world - and I'm not a Sinn Fein voter and never will be but I think they are driving people into Sinn Feins arms. Its like the time they had to tell McDowell to shut up about Sinn Fein as he was becoming their principal recruiter. Harris is making himself into a cartoon character he's so off the wall.

Harris, Mary Ellen Synon (travellers & the handicapped beware), Eilis Hanlon (the whinge from Belfast ... its a city I (we?) dont particularly care about so get over it) , need I say more ? .........
What hope has Irish republicanism of achieving its goal of a united Ireland as long as the word "unionist" is used as a term of insult, as above?
ubiquitous said:
What hope has Irish republicanism of achieving its goal of a united Ireland as long as the word "unionist" is used as a term of insult, as above?

It wasnt meant to be an insult - it was meant to be descriptive. Harris has spoken at UUP conferences so I certainly dont think he would think it to be an insult.

I'm not overly taken with goal of a united Ireland - maybe that makes me not a republican - I dont know if theres an exact definition. A united island would seem to make some sense but only if those within it are happy to go with the arrangement. I dont really have a problem with a self-ruling N.I., the 3 strands etc. etc. (I'm tempted to say "and the whole shooting gallery" but that might be an unfortunate choice of words in this context ;) ).

I think some republicans have an idea that they'll make no compromise along the way to a united Ireland. Short of ethnic cleansing which obviously aint gonna happen and obviously rightly so, I cant imagine a united Ireland unless we re-join the commonwealth, change our flag, our anthem etc. The commonwealth, as far as I can make out, is a loose economic type arrangement and as long as we dont have to adopt the British queen I dont think re-joining it would be the end of the world. I'd be a bit more protective of the flag (in particular) and anthem ... Ireland's Call doesnt do it for me.

p.s. I forgot to add Ruth Dudley Edwards to the list of Sindo writers.
ubiquitous said:
What hope has Irish republicanism of achieving its goal of a united Ireland as long as the word "unionist" is used as a term of insult, as above?

I dont think a united Ireland is realistic because no one is exactly desperate (apart from sinn fein) and the cultures arent in anyway similar anyway imho
Betsy Og said:
I cant imagine a united Ireland unless we re-join the commonwealth, change our flag, our anthem etc. The commonwealth, as far as I can make out, is a loose economic type arrangement and as long as we dont have to adopt the British queen I dont think re-joining it would be the end of the world. I'd be a bit more protective of the flag (in particular) and anthem ... Ireland's Call doesnt do it for me.

Wasnt there talk of us possibly re-joining the commonwealth last year? (seriously)
ubiquitous said:
In the context of a phrase such as the "description" is hardly positive towards unionists?

maybe the phrase "the refuge of" doesnt give a positive impression so fair enough, I'll agree with you on that.

I dont think calling Harris a southern unionist is an insult though - from his point of view. I'd be interested to hear why he should think it is if thats his view.

There was one funny bit in the programme when the DUP guy said the Easter rising caused the partition of Ireland and O'Caoghlain said he was intrigued to hear the DUP bemoaning the partition of Ireland and said he was happy to be doing something to help them out on that score.