Prime Time & NAMA


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Watching Miraim O'Callaghan last night I think she was disappointed with the DCU economist (who was one of the signatures to that famous letter to the Times last year criticising the estabislhment of NAMA) when she asked him whether he had changed his mind on NAMA. He said that he had changed his view and that NAMA was doing a good job. As soon as he had said it, the interview was ended. Obviously not what RTE wanted to hear!

And last week Prime Time produced a piece asking why the Irish were not like the French, protesting at the drop of a hat, rioting in the streets etc. Perahps RTE are happier now that the Students Union managed to organise a little disturbance outside the Dept of Finance?
Thought the same Conan about the interview, was refreshing to hear I have to say.
Yeah, it looked like they had him on based on the assumption that he would slate NAMA. It was pretty poor. Would imagine that a researcher is in a lot of trouble today.
Perahps RTE are happier now that the Students Union managed to organise a little disturbance outside the Dept of Finance?

Cops charge on students, that's the title

So, so tame. :rolleyes:
I can see more disturbance outside the local chipper any weekend

The gardai just walk up the street and the students move along without incident.
Yet the outraged student reckoned they were charged?

And for this thread, yes good news won't do anything for the TV ratings
I now see that Prime Time are representing Fr. Sean Healy as an "economist". Brian Lucey will be livid.
Can I just say that Joan Burton must be one of the most annoying politicians around. Does she think she automatically gets into government if she talks about Anglo over and over again. Usual populist crap. Leo came across well. Decent politician when he calms down.
Sean Healy works "the poor and most vunerable in our society" in every interview

The man should be a highly paid spin doctor and PR consultant.
Disagree that Leo came across well.

For me, he came across as a guy who hadn't got any facts prepared and was only there to spin the same old "this Gov is a mess" lines out again.

I normally think Leo is a good speaker, but last night he was expert at avoiding the question he was asked, on more than one occasion.

AS for Joan Burton, don't get me started on her. Agree that she is irritating. Her life is easy as an opposition politician. If she was ever in any sort of power, God help her if she has to answer difficult questions that require some logical thought.

As for the programme itself, thought again it was PrimeTime going into overdrive with the 'special' programme thing after the €6bill annoucement. Its not as if we didn't know it was coming yesterday. We all knew the figure so was there really any need for a PrimeTime special?
To be fair to Leo, he was limited in what he could say because FG haven't published their budget ideas. At least they have promised to publish them. Will be interested to see what we get from labour.
Ah Sean Healy
Sorry Fr. Sean Healy, lack of priestly garb confused me
From CORI, sorry they do not exist any more
Its Social Justice begob.

Let's not mention Religious Congregations and how they screwed the State.
Go pontificate somewhere else I says.
So you don't want to hear any mentions of poor and vulnerable people?

I don't want to hear it from a member of an organisation that facilitated and then covered up the rape of children and then let the state foot the legal and compo bill.
I'd sooner take a lecture on civil responsibility from a tax exile.