Prime Time Investigates "Service with a Snarl"

I thought the overall programme was terrible....a very bad production.

They "highlighted" some companies with just one persons complaint - surely if the company is bad enough to be splashed over national TV, there should be several compaints to back up what they are saying.
I agree sam_h, I had spoken to one of the researchers about an experience I had, and from the discussion on the phone I was expecting a lot more from this Prime Time "special".

The pace of it was far too slow and I felt it would have carried more weight if it had given several examples per company rather than just the one. Also, the "simulations" being interspersed with real interviewees just kept irritating me.
The program was badly thought out and presented. I enjoy PTI but this was plain boring. We all know what phone company customer service is like. I reckon the average day on AAM produces more detail on such matters than that entire program did. I had the (mistaken) impression that the program might be about "face to face service" as in shops etc. the gum chewing "are ya alroi" brigade that we encounter in our daily purchases. I don't think that the program will have any positive effect on the service in the businesses portrayed or serve as an incentive for others to up their service.
My top three worst for customer service.

1. NTL.
2. Mercer
3. First Active [broken link removed]

Have had no dealing with Mercer so I wont comment.

The other two a joke. NTL are completely and utterly useless as everyone knows. First Active are hilarious. We went to them and applied for a mortgage, completed all the forms, provided bank statements, p60s etc and we heard ...... wait for it ..... nothing. To this day we have'nt heard from them. Unreal !