Primary Teacher AVC


Registered User
The other half has an Avc which has a little over €100k in it.
She ceased paying into it 18 months ago and started paying into a new avc set up thru a financial advisor (not cornmarket) via which she was able to pick her own mix of funds.
She had hoped to transfer the existing Avc into her new one however there were obstacles to switching and I believe costs involved etc and she decided to leave the existing with Cornmarket.
The cornmarket mix is quite conservative.

Does anybody familiar with the scheme know if there is any mechanism whereby she can request of cornmarket that her fund be placed into equities only or indeed a different mix of funds or is she locked into the more conservative mix.

She understands the risks involved in switching and is happy to take the increased risks given the principals pension she will receive at retirement.
I'm sure Cornmarket brokers offer a menu of funds, and that a fund switch is fairly easy to do?

Sometimes fund switchs are done direct with the assurer, rather than the broker.
Does anybody familiar with the scheme know if there is any mechanism whereby she can request of cornmarket that her fund be placed into equities only or indeed a different mix of funds or is she locked into the more conservative mix.
Edit: post crossed with @Protocol's.