Primary School Tutors


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Hi there,

Anybody know where I might start looking for a Primary school tutor for my 8 yr old son. He finishing 2nd class next week and we had his teachers meeting yesterday evening. The teacher thinks he is fine in all areas but lacks concentration. Got on well in class all year but not so well in his year end tests. I just wanna get him maybe a two week refresher course over the summer, e.g. maybe two days a week just to make sure he starts next year on a solid footing. Just not sure the best way to make contact with the right people. Gonna talk to the teacher about it later this week, but was thinking along the lines of a recently qualified school teacher looking to make some money over the summer. Based in the sligo area.

Many thanks for all opinions.

its only primary school. why dont you help him in the areas he's weak yourself
its only primary school. why dont you help him in the areas he's weak yourself

We currently spend about an hour to an hour and a half every night doing homework with him, so us teaching him is not a problem. I feel it would be better to get somebody who has experience in teaching to give him lessons and who may be able to do it better. After all they are experienced in this area, and I would argue would be much better at it than us. And also more neutral as they would have no ties to the child. That way the time we spend with our son could be utilised on more family related activies, e.g. going to the park, beach, etc, rather than spent stuck at the table and our son missing out on a decent summer. Hope I'm making sense, just wanna help our son as best we can at an early stage rather than let it go on..

Ask your son's teacher. There's probably someone in the school who'd be happy to do a few hours with him.
Fair play to you for being so interested and fair play to the is the time to catch it. Best of luck
if you know any student primary school teachers in the vicinity they may appreciate the practice (and the cash ). They usually have some class room experience (though obviously not as much as a qualified teacher) even if they only have one year completed.
I was about to recommend the same thing, although I would suggest looking for a student entering their final year next September. They tend not to have acquired an awful lot of practical experience by the end of first year, compared to the end of second year.
As an ex primary school principal the easiest thing to do is to contact the nearest local teacher centres ,there is one in every county.They have a substitute lists of teachers looking for throughout the year,many of this years B.ED graduates would possibly have registered for the month of June. I would contact them immediately as once 1st.July comes many of these grads.would possibly be going abroad to get Summer work as they can apply for permanent jobs via internet. It would be more difficult to get a permanent teacher to do this work during Summer months ,as most would relish the break from teaching.
It's easier to get someone else to do the teaching rather than doing it yourself less conflict,I know from my own experience .
It's easier to get someone else to do the teaching rather than doing it yourself less conflict,I know from my own experience .

Thanks for all the responses, I agree with Haille above, we would rather seperate the teaching aspect from what we normally do with our son. I'll get on to the local teacher centre and let you know how I get on.
If he is fine in all areas but lacks concentration then why to they tutoring... is it not more and an "approach to things" problem. You can teach them concentration without having to do more school work, especially over their summer holidays.

Perhaps he is just a victim of the modern world where everything has to be quick? Does he ever sit and do anything for 30-60 minutes without interruption? and I mean non school related. A jigsaw?
Does he ever sit and do anything for 30-60 minutes without interruption? and I mean non school related. A jigsaw?

Yeah he likes Jigsaws, I think his problem might relate to the fact he's and only child so he gets slightly distracted around other kids. I'm sure he'll grow out of it as part of growing up but don't want him losing ground in school as a result of it.
i know everybody is different and has different approaches but i think making a young child do schoolwork over the summer holidays is a bit mean! You said yourself that he is fine in all areas.... so just keep an eye on it and let him grow out of it.

Let him be young and have his holidays!!!!