prices per sq/m. in district VIII


Registered User
Hi all,
Bought a 2 bedroom apt.on Josef Korut last year for 960 EUR sq/m.Apt.had been renovated and is courtyard facing and is opposite no.4/6 tram stop.With a lot of negative talk regarding distictVIII,is this a fair price or quite expensive.Apt. 91sq/m. 88,000 EUR.
Budapest? As I'm sure you already know...
Make sense to me purely because I've been reading all the 'banned' posters from the Budapest threads!(with avid interest, to see what they did to get banned! Usually unsuccessfully unfortunately however, as banning seems to occur without any warning to others apart from 'the banned'!)
It's an okay price - close to the average for the district, which is 243,000 HUF/sqm for the most recent statistics, but depends on the building condition, block condition, level of brightness, etc. Location is average, possibly more suited to office rental.