Price of Electricity and Gas


Registered User
My bill, like everyone else's I'm sure, has been rising and rising. I live in a two up- two down terraced house, about 700sqft. Gas heating - it's on about 2 hours a day on average I would think. Normal electricity use for 2 people - cooking, washing, TV and computer. The bills at the moment are running at between €200 and €240 every two months. Does this seem crazy or does it sound normal to AAM-ers?
I know there are comparison sites, I just wanted to get a general view also.
Is that over €200 for each bill or for both electricity and gas? Certainly no electricity bill fir a house that size should be over €200 unless you are using something that eats energy.
There are threads like this in the Home Energy forum where people have listed their usage. The LOS forum is mainly a refuge for rants, so if you want a serious discussion, perhaps you'd be better off posting in Home Energy.
I have not seen an electric bill for under €250 in my house.
Family of 4 in 1960s semi-d. Electric oven / cooker, gas CH, TVs, computers, games console, chargers left plugged in, OH very fond of gas fire at this time of year. With Airtricity for both.

Last bill (estimate reading) was 630.80 (Oct/Nov)
Next bill (actual reading) will be 490.03 (Dec/Jan)

275 a month (-ish).
Didn't realise there was a home energy forum. Cheers for that - I'll have a look in there.

Sunny - it's for both.