Price of a Passport


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I was born in norn iron and currently hold a British passport (don't hold that aginst me!) which is due to expire soon.

I went on to both the Irish & UK passport office's websites to see which was the cheapest (I'm not political - will only listen to my bank balance ).

A standard Irish 10 year adult passport costs €75 whereas the British equivalent costs Stg£66 (approx €100) - but only if you reside in the UK. Otherwise you have to apply for one through the British Embassy - which costs €190 (including €5 postage).

Rip-Off Ireland???.....only if your not born on the island
If you don't renew your British passport soon you will have to give fingerprints etc and sign up for an identity card to get a new one.
I would also bet that the price will be higher as well.
In a similar boat ourselves boaber - can you not use a UK/NI address to renew your passport and then change the address at a later date? Or are you not allowed to do that?
Thanks folks, forgot about the whole fingerprint issue.

Have ordered the relevant forms to be sent to my family home in the North.
A standard Irish 10 year adult passport costs €75 whereas the British equivalent costs Stg£66 (approx €100) - but only if you reside in the UK. Other

Isnt northern Ireland classed as part of the UK???
The British one if I apply for it through the British Embassy. I was thinking that this was an option as I don't reside in the North anymore, but am going to have all the forms etc sent to my family home instead, which costs Stg66
I see, so whats that got to do with Rip off Ireland if the Irish one is cheaper
I went on to both the Irish & UK passport office's websites to see which was the cheapest (I'm not political - will only listen to my bank balance ).

As the Irish one is cheaper, why are you getting your UK passport renewed??
Interesting question.

Like boaber I have both Irish and British passports and rather than sign up fpr the id card I will not renew my British passport.
I used to have a UK license and switched to Irish some years ago (it was cheaper at the time I got the UK one, but nationalistic feelings eventually got the better of me).

One aspect I've thought of since that you might want to consider is how each passport might be considered if you ever land yourself in a tricky situation abroad. I'm not naive enough to believe that Ireland isn't considered as a fully paid up member of "the West", but it probably does have a slightly more benign image abroad than the UK. Just something to think about as you're bundled into the boot of a car by some trigger-happy desperados.....
I see, so whats that got to do with Rip off Ireland if the Irish one is cheaper

I meant this as a joke A lot of people go on about Rip Off Ireland - this is one case where its cheaper here than in the UK, along with cigarettes & petrol!
As the Irish one is cheaper, why are you getting your UK passport renewed??

A couple of reasons

1) I seem to be having a bit of bother finding my long birth certificate, which I need to apply for an Irish passport (must be in the depths of my mother's attic!). To renew my British Passport I only need to send back my current passport (no fingerprints yet!)

2) I know this goes against what I said in my original post but I will probably apply for both (if I can find my Birth Cert) as I may end up travelling for a while and I can get a sepatate visa on each passport To visit/work it may be easier to get a visa on a UK passport than an Irish one?? (or vice versa depending on the country??) But as ang1170 says, having an Irish passport may get me out of that boot quicker!

You can just get a new long birth certificate in joyce house for a few wuid think around 7 euro or something like that.