Laya Price increase ?


Registered User
I have Laya Connect 100. Current premium €1,270. Renewal January 2017.

I understand that Laya have increased some prices and lowered others. Also, I understand that there may be an increase in the health insurance levy.

What am I likely to be paying for 2017 ? Completely confused at this stage...........

The increase in the health insurance levy is supposed to be applied from April 2017 so it shouldn't affect prices until then.
Your plan is not listed for price reduction from 1 Dec 2016 but the list of price increases for January 2017 will only be shown in early December 2016.
You will probably receive your renewal letter from Laya before then showing the price for January.


The increase in the health insurance levy is supposed to be applied from April 2017 so it shouldn't affect prices until then.
Your plan is not listed for price reduction from 1 Dec 2016 but the list of price increases for January 2017 will only be shown in early December 2016.
You will probably receive your renewal letter from Laya before then showing the price for January.

Hello Snowyb I would really appreciate your advice. I am also with Laya,currently paying 2,277 euro for my husband and myself ( we are both on Flex 250 explore) and my two adult children, ages 26 and 24 who are on Assure Vitality. I rang Laya and they have told me that my premium for next year will be 3,147 euro which is an increase of 870. I am only interested in ensuring that we have good cover in hospitals if we have a serious illness and the minimum cover for my children. We have been with VHI for over thirty years and only switched to Laya last year because we got our cover at a much better price.

There have been a couple of price increases during the year since your last renewal date. Also, your 26 yr old is now classed as a full paying adult
so any previous 'young adult' price reduction has now finished. The 24 yr old is moving up the 'young adult' ladder price wise so they are getting nearer every year to the full adult price.

At the moment, it is a bit early to choose as, in early December 2016 the full list of price changes for January 2017 will be put up on the HIA website.
For yourselves, there is a good alternative with Glohealth called 'Kick Off Plus' price 866pa from 1 Dec 2016. This plan covers public, private and Beacon hospital with an excess of 300 per private admission. Day case excess 75 per visit. Note; Mater Private and Blackrock Clinic are not covered
on this plan.

An identical plan to Flex 250 Explore at a lower price is Laya Flex 375 Explore( with higher excesses). It is unclear what price will apply for January 2017. Just 2 options to keep in mind while waiting for more information from the Health Insurance Authority.

[broken link removed]

Alternative options for your adult children will be clear from early December, so it would be best to wait until then before deciding overall.

Thank you very much for your advice Snowyb, as it is very difficult to compare the myriad of plans from all the insurers. I will wait until December before making a decision. Much appreciated.
Much obliged snowyb.

Out of curiosity, is there a spreadsheet anywhere that shows which insurers increased their prices in any year, the products affected, the dates and percentages of those increases ?

I ask because I am getting a bit fed up with the multiple increases during the course of one year which make things look less bad from a marketing / sales view ! [ Well understood btw that price increases mid-term do not affect an existing contract until next renewal]