Price hike for electricity..


Registered User
Four or five per cent increase to look forward to in October..and the workers got a three per cent increase earlier on this year..
You are implying they are connected.

That pay rise was agreed under the "Towards 2016" agreements, signed off by employers and unions.

The ESB is profitable and returns hundreds of millions to the exchequer, they can't claim inability to pay.
The pay rise was agreed to a number of years ago, times were better back then.

Do you think the agreement should be broken?
whats the point of an increase when all the rest of us are skint?? can it be for productivity? and apparently they are paid a fortune already. I cant see any of them doing the right thing for the country and giving up the increase!

gougers through and through.

Said it before and I'll say it again - the ESB have the country by the nads, and can do anything they like! Nobody will stand up to them.
I heard on the radio this morning the commissioner for Energy regulation speaking in relation to this.

Apparently its not a price hike on electricity. Its an increase in the POS Levy (which is apparently the costs associated with sourcing more renewable forms of energy generation).

Most of ESB Electricity is produced by burning of fossil fuels, particularly gas. The price of gas has actually come down in the last couple of years.

The commissioner claims that this increase was supposed to happen 2 years ago but wasnt. So they now seem to think its a good idea to introduce it now.

The actual cost of electricity (price per kw) has come down over the last year, in effect giving us cheaper electricity, however this increase in the levy will totally negate any savings made.

An interesting point is, apparently in 1999-2000 we had one of the cheapest electricity prices in Europe. Now we have the 2nd or 3rd most expensive. Go Figure!
Well they've got it in in nice timing before the budget arrives. Take another few euro out of our pockets, before they hit us with even more taxes and levies and so on and so on and so on!
That pay rise was agreed under the "Towards 2016" agreements, signed off by employers and unions.

Do you think the agreement should be broken?

Yes - Pay rates in the ESB are OTT.

The ESB is not delivering value to either customers or the state.

The ESB workers are protected.

It is about time that that semi state was reformed big time.
You are implying they are connected.
Of course they are connected. If the ESB didn’t over-pay their employees by such a vast amount then they would have more money left to spend on other things.

That pay rise was agreed under the "Towards 2016" agreements, signed off by employers and unions.
The unions are on the board of the company. The lunatics run the asylum. For the last 10 years the unions got everything they asked for and more. You write as if none of these factors entered into the equation and the “management” as it is so laughably called was acting in the best interest of the company and trying to keep costs down.

The ESB is profitable and returns hundreds of millions to the exchequer, they can't claim inability to pay.
The ESB is obliged to make a profit so, being a monopoly, it can just keep increasing its prices ‘till it does so. Oh, and please don’t anyone start talking any rubbish about competition in the market; the ESB still owns the network so just because it can increase what it charges other providers for access.
The pay rise was agreed to a number of years ago, times were better back then.
Or at least most people thought they were.

Do you think the agreement should be broken?
Yes, of course it should as should all other national pay agreements.
Four or five per cent increase to look forward to in October..and the workers got a three per cent increase earlier on this year..

The 3.5% pay increase being the first tranche of the National Wage Agreement towards 2016 was sanctioned by the ESB in November of 2008 not earlier this year.
Bring on Nuclear. Cheaper power and will create thoasands of jobs.
In the interest of competition, and allowing others to gain market share, the ESB is not being allowed to drop its prices for residential electricity.

In which case they should be making a larger profit and returning a larger dividend to their shareholders; the government/state but instead they are using that money to fund pay increases that are unjustified morally and unnecessary from any business rational.
No matter what way you look at it the consumer is paying for the wage increases since the ESB has no other source of revenue.
Bring on Nuclear. Cheaper power and will create thoasands of jobs.

You trust our lot with nuclear power? LOL! God help us all.

Carl: Yeah, Homer's a great nuclear safety inspector, but I don't know if
I trust him with my garbage.
Ireland can not afford nuclear. What will we do with the waste?
It's not cheap and certainly not environmentally friendly. The raw material (Uranium) is also a finite resource, just like fossil fuels.
There's no need for it anyway, when we have access to wind and wave power.

Bring on more wind turbines, and start exporting power!
Thats what this increase if for. its a POS levy to cover the increased cost of altternative renewable electricity. IE Turbines. So according to the govntmt and the ESB, the more wind turbines the more expensive our electricity.

Think il be getting me a solar panel as soon as I can afford one