Previous rental income on a property

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Registered User
I am considering purchasing an apartment as an investment. Is there any way to find out what the previous rent was set at and when it was last reviewed? Although the estate agent has given me a figure, I would like absolute proof before going ahead with the purchase.
You should be able to search the RTB website for the address, or indeed telephone the RTB.
Is there any way to find out what the previous rent was set at and when it was last reviewed?
No, that information is not publicly available.

It's one of the many farcical aspects of the RPZ regime.
Ask the estate agent to get some document from previous landlord that shows the rent. Eg tenancy agreement, RTB registration or best of all, copy of bank statement showing same rent coming in 3 mths in a row. He is the one selling so should show the proof.
Thanks for your replies. I think the RTB should be making this information available to potential landlords, especially as, when setting up a new tenancy, you have to furnish the tenant with this information. They sure don't make it easy. I will have to try and get documented proof from the estate agent.
Yep, the current situation is crazy.

Threshold (the housing charity) has been calling for a publicly accessible rent register for some time (to help tenants challenge landlords who increase rents beyond the applicable limits) but the Department of Housing has ruled it out, citing data protection concerns.

Mary17 I hope you got your answer.
Guys - stay on topic.

A user has asked a practical question. You should answer that question and not take it off on a tangent.

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