M MarkMul Registered User Messages 52 8 Jul 2020 #1 just a quick reminder to get your Loan to Value variable rate changed if applicable. We got our house revalued last week and that along with the write down brings us from 3.15 to 2.75 so a nice extra little bonus LTV Variable >80%3.15%LTV Variable >50%<=80%2.95%LTV Variable <=50%2.75%
just a quick reminder to get your Loan to Value variable rate changed if applicable. We got our house revalued last week and that along with the write down brings us from 3.15 to 2.75 so a nice extra little bonus LTV Variable >80%3.15%LTV Variable >50%<=80%2.95%LTV Variable <=50%2.75%
S Summercruising Registered User Messages 17 8 Jul 2020 #2 MarkMul said: just a quick reminder to get your Loan to Value variable rate changed if applicable. We got our house revalued last week and that along with the write down brings us from 3.15 to 2.75 so a nice extra little bonus LTV Variable >80%3.15%LTV Variable >50%<=80%2.95%LTV Variable <=50%2.75% Click to expand... 3 year fixed @2.55%, if you wanted flexibility of variable could split portion - just an option
MarkMul said: just a quick reminder to get your Loan to Value variable rate changed if applicable. We got our house revalued last week and that along with the write down brings us from 3.15 to 2.75 so a nice extra little bonus LTV Variable >80%3.15%LTV Variable >50%<=80%2.95%LTV Variable <=50%2.75% Click to expand... 3 year fixed @2.55%, if you wanted flexibility of variable could split portion - just an option
I Introuble83 Registered User Messages 321 8 Jul 2020 #4 You might need a house revaluation to get the ltv updated
A aibredress Registered User Messages 58 8 Jul 2020 #5 you do, they are not much about €200 to €350, an estate agent needs to do them.
M MarkMul Registered User Messages 52 8 Jul 2020 #6 yes - list of auctioneers on the AIB website that can be do them
D Deeks1 Registered User Messages 18 9 Jul 2020 #7 MarkMul said: yes - list of auctioneers on the AIB website that can be do them Click to expand... Link here for a list of auctioneers on the panel Residential Mortgage Valuers Panel Listing aib.ie
MarkMul said: yes - list of auctioneers on the AIB website that can be do them Click to expand... Link here for a list of auctioneers on the panel Residential Mortgage Valuers Panel Listing aib.ie
S Stacey Mckeogh Registered User Messages 39 9 Jul 2020 #8 Does this make a difference to all mortgages. We now owe €191,000 on an apartment that’s worth about €250,000-€300,000? Is it worth applying for a lower LTV?
Does this make a difference to all mortgages. We now owe €191,000 on an apartment that’s worth about €250,000-€300,000? Is it worth applying for a lower LTV?
Brendan Burgess Founder Messages 54,411 9 Jul 2020 #9 Hi Stacey You are probably paying the SVR by default which is 3.15% Your LTV now is between 76% (191/250) and 64% ( 191/300) . So you should apply for and get the rate of 2.95% Brendan
Hi Stacey You are probably paying the SVR by default which is 3.15% Your LTV now is between 76% (191/250) and 64% ( 191/300) . So you should apply for and get the rate of 2.95% Brendan