Presidential Inauguration 11/11/11


Registered User
In light of the current recession, upcoming difficult budget and address to the nation by An Taoiseach, I find it questionable to spend a large sum of money on the Presidential Inauguration.

Apparently, 600 invited people will attend. There will of course be a dinner function for the invited elite, no doubt well into the early hours.

It is difficult to reconcile this with oncoming budget cuts and taxation increases.
and on armistice day as well!

The President is our head of state. We need to show it the respect it deserves. I see no problem with a little pomp at the inauguration.
If we can't have a function for our Head of State then we're ruined
Are we ruined?

The money can be saved by not sending councillors and their wives and husbands on junkets next St Patricks Day to do the job the IDA are supposed to do
and on armistice day as well!

I found the choice of armistice day very odd indeed! Armistice day is a very important date in the calendars of not just the UK but also many European countries as well.
I found the choice of armistice day very odd indeed! Armistice day is a very important date in the calendars of not just the UK but also many European countries as well.

You can blame Mary Robinson for quitting early and moving the date.

Are you saying that the State shouldn't have hosted the Royal and US Presidential visits earlier this year?