Present for gadget lover


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Looking for birthday present ideas for boyfriend who is a gadget freak. Any of you gadgety males out there who could give me ideas on what you think would be a good present you'd like to receive.

He's not into sport, has an ipod, an apple mac, a sat nav thingy, an uber cool watch, about 3 cameras and other stuff I can't remember.

Any ideas gratefully received...Willing to spend about € 350

I think this gadget is the business think i will order one.
NABAZTAG the first wireless rabbit He connects directly to the Internet through Wi-Fi

Some of the stuff he does: Reads out any Internet news feed (RSS) /// Weather Forecast, Financial News, Road Traffic,
Email Alerts /GoogleTalk Alerts etc…
Communications: Receives spoken or musical messages via the web, email, SMS, Telephone,
A life of his own: The rabbit’s spontaneous outbursts, his Tai-chi exercises, his talking clock…
If he travels on business a lot with a laptop, a slingbox is a good idea (he can watch his home tv from anywhere)

Or how about a bladerunner II remote control helicopter from
or a cool master replicas light sabre from the same site. Or if you have loads of money