Present for dad


Registered User
Right we do KK in our house for crimbo and i got my dad. He is in his middle 50's and apart formo wotrk doesnt really do much after work activities e.g. sport/reading/learning etc. etc. to this end i was thinking of getting him something that would interest in him and also stimulate his mind. however when i suggest something he always goes nah, would not be interested etc. etc. I could do the usual and get him stuff for his car, car mag subscription but thats all been done before. So i need something that is addictive, stimulating, can take a few hours a week to do and all for about €40. anyone any ideas?


So i need something that is addictive, stimulating, can take a few hours a week to do and all for about €40. anyone any ideas?



My dad is exactly the same and this is going to sound a bit off the wall but my dad loved it last year!......... An ant farm!. At the time we got them in Debenhams just a little glass tank that came with blue jelly stuff and seeds. You plant the seeds then add in the ants (which you can order online) - If he's in anyway into nature then he'll love it!
thats quite original, but i dont think my mam would like to have the creepy crawlies in the house. the sheds out the back dont have doors on them to keep them outside.
could you sign him up for a night course in your local area?
painting / woodwork / bridge etc? lots of these courses start again in January !
I got a shaving set for my dad last year and he loved it. So much so he got hooked on buying proper english shaving creams. [broken link removed] is worth a look for some good ideas.
i dont think the €40 would stretch to covering the night course i have had a look at some and they are in the three figures mark. he said that he is interested in learing irish, i could get him some one to grinds possibly and see how he gets on. as for shaving he has a few good oils and stuff like that so not going to get him more 'smellies' for crimbo
A teach yourself Irish CD, gift token or membership for Foras na Gaeilge or Conradh na Gaeilge.
There are language exchange groups in some libraries... or google might be another option - i just found one called "Cupán tae agus Gaeilge ag Lohans" which is a restaurant in Galway - i'm sure there are more countrywide. Maybe worth a search. They're usually free.
If you're in Dublin check the libraries under and their Conversation Exchange section.
you could go along with him - he might get more enjoyment out of that then you spending €40!
I got a book and dvd package (Turas Teanga) a couple of years ago when I wanted to brush up on my Irish. I cannot remember how much it was, less than 40e I think. Might be worth a look for your dad.
i just came across this - great gift idea
its [broken link removed] or diverts to this page [broken link removed]

"Everyone has a book in them. This is yours.
This new book called LifeStory has been created to enable you to begin the process of compiling and writing your own life far. "

its in aid of the irish hospice foundation.
I have no affiliation.. just think its a great idea to give to parents or other storytellers!

Thanks for the suggestions folks went in totally the different direction. Got him a flight simuator game for his PC and games joystick, think it might prick his attention to maybe get himself some lessons in flying.