Prepay Power electricity supplier - opinions


Registered User
Any opinions on the new electricity company Prepay Power. They are installing free per pay electricity meters and seem to be offering a good deal! I currently have a pre pay gas meter and find it excellent as I don't need to worry about bills coming in.

Any opinions or has anyone made the switch?

Thanks in advance,

(also I am not in any way affiliated with the company just a consumer looking to improve my household budget )
It is not a bad deal as Electric Ireland and BGE won't supply prepaid meters.

It is ideal for people who are bad at budgeting.
What if you can't do direct debit or stump up €300 deposit? This has it's niche.
Just to update, I ended up going for it and delighted I did. I am TERRIBLE at budgeting and at least this way I put 20euro on it each time I get paid and it is going well so far. End of the day it probably does cost a bit more in the long run but knowing I won't get any unexpected bills is the biggest relief, for me anyway! I can understand it wouldn't be for everyone though!
Good Idea

I just saw the ad for this crowd this week and I think it's a great idea.
I can understand the extra charge but I also think that as pre pay customers pay for the service before they receive it they should get a discount over bill pay customers. Not just on this but on telecoms too.
Pre pay for electricity seems a terrible idea to me. Its surely not the most expensive thing a person/family has (vs car, sky, social life etc.), but it is the most fundamental and risking forgetting to "top up" and run the risk of being cut off (especially over a weekend) seems like a bad situation to me.

If it suits, fair enough, not for me though.
but it is the most fundamental and risking forgetting to "top up" and run the risk of being cut off (especially over a weekend) seems like a bad situation to me.
They do state that they will not cut off anyone at the weekend.
Non story from a non paper.

Those using prepaypower are aware of the charges. Other suppliers will also supply prepaid meters to those in serious arrears.

They do state that they will not cut off anyone at the weekend.
That is correct.