We are a married couple late 60s currently on Laya Control 300 create policy has increased by almost €800 - total €3952.17 for renewal 2025.
Is this too much to pay?
Can i get same level of cover from another provider with less cost do you think??
As so many renewals are going through with all insurers this month a read through some of the more recent podcasts here might help people make better choices.
I was on this plan and was very surprised by the increase. I have done some homework and it appears that Connect Simplicity is a comparable plan at €1653 or even better appears to be Connect Choice at €1667....For the €14 additional you get 75% Doctor reimbursement and €25 Prescription Cover. Still doing my homework on these so please double check....The one thing they do not cover are certain Orthopedic and Ophthalmic procedures so these may not suit you if you are in your late 60's (with respect)