pregnant-can I buy health insurance now?


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wonder if anybody can answer query. Can you buy health insurance for the first time when you're pregnant?
Are you then covered for all the maternity benefits?
I've looked at the insurers sites but can't find this out.
No, there is a waiting period for maternity related cover.

From Quinn Health:

What are waiting periods?

A waiting period is the length of time you need to have health insurance before you can make a claim.
If you are transferring to QUINN-healthcare directly from another Irish health insurer and you have served all of your waiting periods, you will be covered immediately.

If however you are taking out health insurance for the first time, the following waiting periods will apply.
Maternity waiting period: (This is how long you need to wait before you can avail of the maternity grant) 1 year
You are already pregnant and you wish to improve your cover, how long before you can avail of better cover? 1 year
thanks for that...lesson learned a bit late for me this time round anyway...
Don't give up just yet. Insurance companies can and do waive this requirement.
VHI did it for me a few years back (it was a group scheme though)
So it might be worth your while to call these companies and ask
Yes - if you are joining a scheme, the Insurance Company can waive the periods for new members to try and increase the rate of take up. However, like any insurance policy, you wont insure it if it has already happened.

There was an interesting article in one of last weeks papers - perhaps the Daily Mail last Thursday - relating to a lady who had three kids, two privately where she claimed on her Health Insurance and paid the few grand shortfall herself, and the third she went public, checked out after one night and was then entitled to care outside for two nights - basically a nurse keeping an eye out for a couple of days. She then checked into the 4 seasons and ended up having a baby and a couple of nights, with nursing care, in the 4 seasons for about €800.

You could dig out the article easily enough or ask your doctors about your options.

Get your Health Cover in place next time artound though. I mentioned to a person earlier a comparative webste called if you are researching different cover. It may help you.

Good luck with the baby!