Pre-theatre restaurant Gaiety


Registered User
Heading to the Gaiety restaurant on Thursday and am looking for a coupe of restaurant recommendations in the vicinity (5-10 mins walk).
My preference would be good steak/seafood.
Re: Pre-theatre restaurant

Darwins on Aungier Street
Has pre theatre menu from around 530pm until 7pm.
Great steaks, proprietor has his own butchers shop.
Good seafood, smoked salmon starter was superb.
Re: Pre-theatre restaurant

make the dinner at home and cut the cost way down
Re: Pre-theatre restaurant

To answer the question, try Fire on Dawson St.

Also, search AAM for 'pre-theatre' and 'early bird'.
Re: Pre-theatre restaurant


Bit of a walk for you but good value (pre-theatre menu) and great food.
Chapter One do an exquisite pre-theatre menu - food was excellent and the service was top class - google Chapter One Dublin and you can get an idea of menu and prices. But all in it was great value imo.
I agree that Chapter One is fabulous, however I wouldn't go there before the Gaeity as there are so many other options close by.

Two of my favorites are:
[broken link removed]
I have to agre with the Trocadero. They have a special pre- show menu and the ambience is very nice. Not too over priced and great service. You will not be disappointed. If you are looking for somewhere for a quick drink, the old stand is nearby also.

I hope it works out well for you.
Looks like the Trocadero it is.
Thanks for the tips and I will report back here on Friday (providing I'm not off sick with food-poisoning)
Trocadero last night: Food and service were fantastic and we will both definitley be going again.
Thanks for all the recommendations, espescially to onekeano, helen & bagoftricks.