PPR - extra relief years on CGT liability


Registered User
Situation: where you live in a house as your PPR, leave / rent, come back to house, and subsequently sell. The CGT implications.

before reading the following article I was unaware that you could get up to four extra years considered as being occupied by yourself, with certain conditions, such as the move was required by work. Full details are in the basis link. Here's the original article link:
http://www.unison.ie/business/personalfinance/stories.php?ca=260&si=1595879 (http://www.unison.ie/business/personalfinance/stories.php?ca=260&si=1595879)

It's a huge help in my situation, and thought it might help others on AAM.

for the legal side, here's a referece:
(end of page 14)

I know threads are usually questions, so, what do you think of that, I'd never heard of it.
This is true and has been around for a few years at least. there are also scenarios (although very rare) where it is possible to have a 2nd PPR at the one time as far as i recall.
Don't depend on newspaper articles for authoritative and accurate taxation advice. If in doubt get indepdenent, professional advice on your specific personal situation.
Yep _ the onus would be on the individual to provide the necessary proof in order to claim the relief. If you think you would qualify you should get proper tax advice as with house prices rising considerably, a saving would be made.
I was just delighted to have come across the article, as it makes the possible move home all the more attractive after being away for a few years. Wouldn't have known to consider it as a factor before this.

agree on taking information from just newspaper articles, so I was happy to see it backed up with info from the basis site, and by personal AAMers experiences of it.

hope it tips the balance for someone else out there thinking of getting back home, a financial help is always welcome.