PP Query


Registered User
Do I need to apply for planning permission to put a new window to the side of my house, in the kitchen. Our house is detatched and our nearest boundry would be at least 4 metres away and looks onto the side of our neighbours house, the only view would basically be onto our own garden.

Thanks for replies.
Here is the bible, such as it is.


As amended in the main by:


This refers to partial demolition.

Ground floor windows are mentioned in SI. 600 of 2001 in relation to Class 1 estensions

6. (a) Any window proposed at ground level in any such extension shall not be less than 1 metre from the boundary it faces.

This suggests that windows more than a metre away are okay.

However it specifically refers to extensions, not to just the house porper.

In the house proper it could amount to a partial demolition without there being an extension, which the amended Class 50 in 235 of 2008 appears to suggest needs permission.

As local authorities interpret matters different, I'd suggest you go for a local Section 5 Declaration to get a definitive.

Also if you land overlooks your neighbour on the side of the intended window, or if you don't have an existing 2M high opaque boundary, there may be overlooking issues.


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