Powerkaddy - Are They Useful Golfers??


Registered User
Hi Guys/Gals,

Need your opinion here. Was thinking of buying hubbie powerkaddy for xmas present. Need your opinions are they worth they money.
Any suggestions or recommendations would be great.
I would say Yes but just make sure that he has enough room in the car boot for the caddy as well as the clubs as they can be quite cumbersome.
I bought one from a UK company via ebay for €160 including delivery and have found it a great help especially in winter. BTW I'm an under 35 but wayward golfer who regularly got shoulder strain from having to pull my trolley a lot further than straighter better golfers.
I bought one very recently for my father, and from what I gather from him, he isn't overly-impressed with it. He plays golf on a reletively flat links course, and at the moment is only playing 14 to 16 holes. He has said that the caddy is nearly out of power by the time he is coming in and that he wouldn't like to chance taking it to a 'hilly' course for 18 holes.
If you get a decent one it will last for at least 36 holes , there is a palce in Churchtown near bottle tower that do it, I found mine great took me from a 11 H to a 8
Wollran said:
I bought one very recently for my father, and from what I gather from him, he isn't overly-impressed with it. He plays golf on a reletively flat links course, and at the moment is only playing 14 to 16 holes. He has said that the caddy is nearly out of power by the time he is coming in and that he wouldn't like to chance taking it to a 'hilly' course for 18 holes.
shrek said:
Hi Guys/Gals,

Need your opinion here. Was thinking of buying hubbie powerkaddy for xmas present. Need your opinions are they worth they money.
Any suggestions or recommendations would be great.

We got a Frazier Golf trolly from Michael Neary in Golfing Memories in Bray. Initially, I and my husband used it on different days. So it was in use, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday - and if either of us was in competitions it would be in use the other days as well. To be on the safe side we got another battery but never had a problem - we just put it on charge first thing when we got home. I would highly recommend it as a make.
Highly recommended for anyone who comes off the course feeling tired. Father and uncles have them and they find them very good.

However, I don't think any of the younger generation should use them, as they should be fit and strong enough to play a game of golf without getting tired.
I would also recommend for anyone with back problems ( young or old) carrying/dragging/pushing a golf bag can really set off your back pain.

powered trollies can greatly enhance your enjoyment of the game if you suffer from back problems.