PowerCity, DID etc : Multi-purchase discount


Registered User

Currently need to fully kit out the kitchen in our house (washing machine, dryer, oven, hob, dishwasher, fridge and microwave). Have picked out the stuff we want from Power City, the total comes to 3200 euro.

I asked the girl in Power City how much of a discount we could get since we're buying so much stuff, and she said the standard discount is 3%.

In our case that's a discount of about 96 euro. Seems pretty crap to me. Has anyone managed a larger discount from Power City, or any of the other shops (DID, Discount Electric)?

Did you haggle for a better discount? Did you shop around to see if you can get a better deal/discount elsewhere? Did you check if not buying from the one store might yield better savings? 3% isn't peanuts. It's as good as you can get on deposit at the moment for example.
ClubMan said:
Did you haggle for a better discount? Did you shop around to see if you can get a better deal/discount elsewhere? Did you check if not buying from the one store might yield better savings? 3% isn't peanuts. It's as good as you can get on deposit at the moment for example.

I plan to push them a bit on the price once we finalize the goods we want. It would just be useful leverage to know in advance if other stores offer a better standard discount - I rang DID but got a very non-commital answer from them (ie, "we'll see").

I have shopped around, but TBH no other store offers the exact models we've decided upon (don't ask - suffice to say there's a decisive girlfriend involved).
Can you waint until the sales and then pick up the items ?

Also you should decide on your makes and models, find out which shop will give you the best price on each item and try and get to get 1 shop to match the prices of all of them and then look for a discount on top
fullerand said:
I have shopped around, but TBH no other store offers the exact models we've decided upon (don't ask - suffice to say there's a decisive girlfriend involved).
I didn't know that they sold those! :)
another angle in seeking "discount" is to ask will they throw in a particular item as an extra e.g. a portable tv.
with smaller outlets/family run, suggest to them that you won't be using a credit card on this occasion
paddyc said:
Can you waint until the sales and then pick up the items ?

Not really, pretty much need all of them now so we can use the kitchen over Christmas. Since you mention it though, Power City have a St. Stephen's Day Sale every year, does anyone know how good it is - ie do they completely slash prices or no?
Power City, DID and other I'm sure others normally do very good deals on Stephens day. Sometimes only for say first 50? customers first hour etc. or for first hours after opening. Queuing normally starts before 6 AM. It can be bedlam all day in the stores. Normally only let in a certain number.
Yeah the sale is ok but we actually found that by going to country retailers we saved a significant amount on the price and delivery and returns/follow up policy has been excellent
fullerand said:
Have picked out the stuff we want from Power City, the total comes to 3200 euro.
That seems like a lot of money for appliances. Powercity usually do a big sale on Dec 26th and advertise a day or two before hand in the Herald and Indo, but you need to be up early and have a big van to take the stuff away. Might be worth waiting until then, also your girlfriend might warm to the cut-down prices on slightly less 'fancy Dan' brands.
asdfg said:
Power City, DID and other I'm sure others normally do very good deals on Stephens day. Sometimes only for say first 50? customers first hour etc. or for first hours after opening. Queuing normally starts before 6 AM. It can be bedlam all day in the stores. Normally only let in a certain number.
eh . . just saw this . . must have been in my blindspot.:eek:
When we were getting new kitchen a few years back we found [broken link removed] did the best package price. You could give them a call and run the product list by them. They were very helpful and efficient also.

This previous thread Household appliances might be worth a read also.

P.S. No connection with Discount Electric.