Potential car write off from accident..Next steps ?


Registered User
Hi all,
The missus was crashed into on Saturday night in our car,
Guards on scene and other driver addmitted full liability.
I got a hire car delivered & my car towed away on Sunday (After a lot of shouting to both my and other drivers insurance companys)

Current situation;
Nobody hurt
I am driving a hire car.
My car is in an approved garage for assesment.
I expect my car to be written off as Rear panel, Rear & Drivers door & Front panel are all damaged beyond repair.
My insurance company have organised this and will "Counter-claim" against other drivers company.
'99 Volvo S40

What are the next steps?
How do I make sure I am not screwed on the replacement value of my car?
Do I wait to be contacted by my/other insurance company ?
When will I get the cheque?
Does the insurance company have to keep paying for the hire car until they pay out?

Thanks for all your help.
If you're with Hibernian they will give you a hire car for 7 days if your car is not a write off and 10 days if it is. I don't know about other companies. They also give a fair price for the car (well, they did in my case anyway - I based it on the average price of my car on cbg.ie). It takes a very long time to get the cheque from them.
All I can say is keep phoning phoning phoning the insurance company who is paying out on this for you. Ring at least once a day, as you are only entitled to the hire car for a finite number of days and will be left without transport (unless you kick up a stink).
Find out what the going rate for your written off car would be (ask the garage it's in at the moment, they should have a trade book listing prices of cars by year and mileage etc) and insist you get that amount. They may offer you the price less 1 or 2k, as you could get this much from scrappage of your written off car. If you are getting no answers, keep going up the chain until you hit the highest manager you can. You will have to keep on their case as it can take weeks to get things sorted, and TBH in my experience (and anecdotally that of friends) the threat of involving your solicitor is the only thing that will get things moving along quicker.