Pot hole damage - where can i claim?


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last weekend i was driving in enniskerry and was on a side road when i hit a massive pot hole - it was dark and wet out so i drove on but soon realised that i had done some damage - i had actually burst both tyres on the passanger side - they needed to be replaced which cost 250 euro and also the hassle of the whole thing really got to me - the state of our roads in general is a disgrace and this time i want to do something about it rather than just whinging - a friend said i can appeal to the council and might get compensated but does anyone know how i go about this and what evidence i need to support this - obviously photos but do i just write a letter to go with it and hope for the best or is there someone i can ring..... and similar experience or advice would be great. thanks.
Get back and take some photos of the pot hole from various angles. Also get back to the garage that fixed the problem and ask them for a receipt/letter stating that the wheels/tyres were damaged. Then post all this off to the local council involved and await a reply.
Father of law ran into a pothole in North county Dublin, made bits of the front wheel of the car, cost him 150 euro to get fixed, wrote a letter to Fingal county council and badgered them for months, he even took the matter to his local council representative.
Eventually after a long delay and struggle with the council they coughed up the money .
thanks for the feedback guys - as i suspected, lots of work and lots of chasing and no guarantees of a result but sure i will send it in anyway and see what happens. thanks.
i had similar experience - as I was going to get an alloy wheel repaired ( from pot hole damage) I drove into what I thought was a puddle - it turned out to be a massive pot hole,broke another alloy and deployed one of the air bags ...not nice.
Took photos and sent to council - got the reply I expected ...not our fault , natural wear and tear etc!
If a pot hole has been repaired badly - then you have a good case - in my situtation i took photos of previous patch working around the hole ...I then got a solicitor on a no win no fee ! I then got an engineer to take photos and write a report ...I had enough of the road conditions .
To cut the story short the issue was settled out of court and all expences were paid ..... dont get fobbed off !
same thing happened to me about 2 years ago,smashed an alloy.had to buy new alloy and tyre,got my reciepts went into the council (galway)a few times with no joy just being pushed from pillar to post,2 years later i still have my reciepts i had to give up just wasnt worth the hassle
I also got pot hole damage a while back. The key is that if there is a bad repair job on the pot hole. If not, then you cannot expect to get your claim for damages.

However if there is evidence of previous ineffective repair then you can get your damages.

In my case, I had actually complained to the council about this particular road only 2 weeks beforehand as there was heavy goods traffic on a very rural road. The council had been out, dug it up, repaired it extremely badly and it all washed away in a heavy flood. On the back road in the rain, at 6am one morning we hit the pothole and the tyre completely blew, damaged the alloy and part of the connection (non-technical person don't ask me exactly what it was). I contacted the council straightaway when i got into work, took photos with my phone and forwarded them the claim for replacement tyre and repairs.

They paid up within 2 weeks as i had sent a copy to my local paper.....