Postman messing up


Registered User
Get this:
The postman delivered a letter to our door which was not for us but someone opened it anyway (name and address were slightly similar) - inside was a neighbours bank statement (v private and confidential). Anyway we sent that back to its rightful owner.

Now, 2 days later I get a letter (work related and highly Confidential) which I was expecting to arrive days 6 ago. The envelope was torn open and left like that. This clown of a postman we have is obviously delivering to the wrong addresses and I've a good mind to throttle him but I can't as I have to work during the day.

It gets worse - I bought 2 CD's from ebay with an expected delivery time of 3-4days. That was 9 days ago. I reckon this clown is responsible. The ebay'er is kindly sending replacements as good will (they weren't insured).

Any idea what kind of action I can take? Where do I contact in Dublin to complain? Am I wasting my time?

Any comments?
I had the same problem- big time- about 2 years ago... I was getting stuff from the wrong address, wrong street number, wrong name & stuff I was expectign did not arrive. I contacted An Post & they advised me to write in... so I emailed ...about a month later I got a letter back in the post saying they were investigating..... problem was recified thereafter (to my knowledge!)
..... so, contatc An Post & let them know!

zat29 said:
It gets worse - I bought 2 CD's from ebay with an expected delivery time of 3-4days. That was 9 days ago. I reckon this clown is responsible.

Not too sure how you come to that conclusion, but I've had packages from the UK take anything up to 5 weeks to arrive!! Reckon this is a candidate for a move to LOS, where it can keep the other an post threads company.
I agree. I'm sorry that zat29 won't be able to post to it again for a while, but it's LoS material, not a Miscellaneous non-financial question. zat29, it should be obvious that — short of confronting the individual postman, which will almost certainly be a waste of time — the only action you can take is to complain to An Post.
zat29 said:
This clown of a postman we have is obviously delivering to the wrong addresses and I've a good mind to throttle him but I can't as I have to work during the day.

Sorry - but that made me LOL! As good a reason as any not to murder someone I suppose!!! :D
Get a bucket and fill it up with stones. Attach it above your hall door with a string. When "pat version 1.0" arrives, cut the string. "pat version 1.0" gets injurred (not killed!!) and goes off for 3 months on sick holidays... Following day "pat version 2.0" arrived for duty... Hopefully, the engineer will have improved his orientering and reading skills..
DrMoriarty said:
I agree. I'm sorry that zat29 won't be able to post to it again for a while, but it's LoS material, not a Miscellaneous non-financial question. zat29, it should be obvious that — short of confronting the individual postman, which will almost certainly be a waste of time — the only action you can take is to complain to An Post.
On reflection (and following discussion with other mods), I'm going to repost zat29's original thread in the Miscellaneous non-financial questions, but re-titled "Poor service from An Post - What to do?". That way zat29 can continue to reply, and hopefully might let us know the outcome, if any?

The 'bucket-of-stones' suggestion (and any similar variations) can stay right here in LOS... :cool: