Posting on two forums


Registered User
This is a question for the moderators.

Is it against AAM rules to post a question in two forums? I recently posted a question in the forum below.

Careers, Employment/Unemployment, Further Education/Training

The question was in relation to further education. However after over 100 views I have still not received any replies. The question is one to which I would greatly appreciate some feedback. If I posted the question again in this forum or possibly in letting of steam I might see more replies. Would this be frowned upon ?

Yep - I'm afraid we would want you to post this question in a different forum, as we will just end up with random topics all over the boards - the slippery slope and all that. We wouldn't have a huge objection to very occasional 'bumping' a post, where you add a reply to your old post (ideally with some new information or clarification) so it is visible on the first page of its forum again.
Hi Zap

I presume it was the Dublin Business School question you were referring to? I see you have a few well informed replies now.

RainyDay said:
We wouldn't have a huge objection to very occasional 'bumping' a post, where you add a reply to your old post (ideally with some new information or clarification) so it is visible on the first page of its forum again.

Thanks Rainyday. Thats good to know.

Brendan said:
Hi Zap

I presume it was the Dublin Business School question you were referring to? I see you have a few well informed replies now.


I knew you wouldn't let me down Brendan! ;)