Posters not reading Original Posts


Registered User
Does anyone else find that quite often when you post a thread asking for advice, some posters reply in a manner that implies they have not even fully read the original post?
I disagree, I think free range chickens are well worth the price.
Does anyone else find that quite often when you post a thread asking for advice, some posters reply in a manner that implies they have not even fully read the original post?

Are they replying to the original post or so someone else's subsequent post. A number of posts get sidetracked.
Does anyone else find that quite often when you post a thread asking for advice, some posters reply in a manner that implies they have not even fully read the original post?

That provides good reason for keeping threads short and locking/forking them when then start to digress.

The policy on some boards/forums (not AAM) of insisting that all posts go into a single thread which drags on for dozens of pages makes it a pain to read all the previous posts.
I couldn't agree more with you GeneralZod although sometimes posts get sidetracked quite early on which might lead to them getting locked before the Original Post is even answered.

Joe1234, generally when I have this problem or notice it with other posts people "think" they are replying to the OP but it is obvious from their reply that they have not even properly read it.

Don't want to sound too much like a grump but it is very frustrating
I've noticed the same on occasion - and cases where posters give exactly the same advice or suggestions that have already been given, at intervals which would not suggest in mitigation that the posts could have crossed. If there's no argument, why bother?

Anyway, I'm not so worried about free-range chickens: I just want the eggs to be allowed roam at will.
Does anyone else find that quite often when you post a thread asking for advice, some posters reply in a manner that implies they have not even fully read the original post?
Some do. Most don't. Not a big problem in my personal opinion.

No it's not a big problem but I'm sure you'll agree that when you post in one of the more serious sections of AAM with the aim of getting some knowledgeable advice it can be frustrating when the replies suggest the poster has not read the previous posts.

Then again maybe I'm just a Grump


Yes Yes but where do you stand on the issue of the chickens?

BTW I think the OP should go for a fixed rate mortgage
Yes Yes but where do you stand on the issue of the chickens?

BTW I think the OP should go for a fixed rate mortgage

I think the mortgage like the chickens should be free range.
I think the mortgage like the chickens should be free range.

I have a battery hen of a mortgage, I'll be squeezed in to this tight spot for life, don't think I'll ever get to spread my wings.

But back to the original post - Mexico or Brazil? I'd like both, but I think I'd start with Brazil.
But back to the original post - Mexico or Brazil? I'd like both, but I think I'd start with Brazil.

Brazil ??? You're nuts !! My hen is from Brazil.....Her name is Rio...............