Postal Order with No Payee on it.


Registered User
I received a postal order that has no payee written on it. Can I lodge this in to my account in a financial institution without the payee name been written on it? It is for a small amount.
My understanding on it is that the purchaser can opt to have a name printed on the Postal Order but if they don't they can send it to someone without any payee on it and it should be accepted. I don't think it is necessary to have a payee stated on the front.

I would say that most people who purchase a Postal Order do not put the name of the payee on it. I do not think that a Financial Institution would have the right to refuse one for lodgment to a customer's account if there is no "payee" written on it. If the customer endorses the back of the Postal Order and lodges it to his account then, if there is a problem the financial institution can trace who lodged it, if needs be.

It shouldn't be a problem.