post office savings or zurich savings


Registered User
hi all i have 5000 that i want to put away for 5years plus and add to it monthly by 100 or 200 a month, ive l;ooked at the state savings but not to impressed i have looked at zurich regular saver as well as lodging a lump sum, im ok with a low to medium risk and putting my money away for long term. ive no debths mortgage is low married one near adult son. so any advice please i just dont want to wastwe this but would like to see it grow
Zurich are a pensions fund essentually so I suspect they will put the money into stocks which most likely will not ensure your original stake is 100% safe. REad the bottom line of the page

Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
Warning: If you invest in these products you may lose some or all of the money you invest.
what about shares then I'm not really up to speed on this can you recommend how I would get into shares
I suspect they will put the money into stocks which most likely will not ensure your original stake is 100% safe.

That's a crazy statement. The OP's time horizon is 5 years plus. Even if he/she went in at the peak in '07/'08 and suffered the full decline in the value of his/her investments, he/she would be comfortably in positive territory after 5 years.
so Gordon would you say because I'm willing to stay 5years plus that it would be a good idea and taking into account that I am willing to take low to medium risks
In my view, yes. My understanding is that Zurich have various risk rated funds (Pathway 1 - 6?), so I wouldn't see any issue with you popping money into a low/medium one over a five year period.

Cash gives certainty but basically no return.
In my view, yes. My understanding is that Zurich have various risk rated funds (Pathway 1 - 6?), so I wouldn't see any issue with you popping money into a low/medium one over a five year period.

Cash gives certainty but basically no return.
Why not put it into prize bonds or a 10 year bond which would give you a return of 1500 euro I know it is only 150 a year of a return but your original investment is fully safe . I've my savings in prize bonds at the moment I know I'm quarantined no interest but I view it like a 7 day notice account and believe ill get a good win along the way..I wouldn't go near any investment where I could lose my hard earned cash.
What are AMC of the Zurich funds? Having looked for 10 mins on site I couldn't find the single most important piece of investing info, which immediately makes me wary of them
That's a crazy statement. The OP's time horizon is 5 years plus. Even if he/she went in at the peak in '07/'08 and suffered the full decline in the value of his/her investments, he/she would be comfortably in positive territory after 5 years.
There countless examples where of where the investment has not recovered after 5 years, especially in Europe.
There countless examples where of where the investment has not recovered after 5 years, especially in Europe.

Elcato's statement is not accurate. Equally the specifics you cite do not support his/her contention. It is not right to say that €100 put into equities for at least five years will "most likely" not return €100. Talking about Gay Byrne's experiences is just scaremongering. His issues were due to investing in leveraged investments and concentration risk (e.g. investment in Irish bank shares).
Right. I guess we are talking about different things. I would think that after five years the investment will probably retain its value. But its not certain and there are many example of indexes being down five or ten years on. If one really needs the money in five years it shouldn't be on stocks.
Elcato's statement is not accurate.
I'm not sure which one you refer to but there are countless stories of alleged (get rich quick) schemes out there which did not return their initial funds. Being lazy, I am not going to go looking for the threads here right now. However I am guilty of putting all non-bank accounts into the same bucket and I will bow to your greater knowledge on those. Btw I am not saying that banks are 100% going to return either just more likely imo.
thanks every one for you advice, after reading here and doing my own research i do not feel comfortable entering into stocks/shares/investments with risks. so im going to play safe and enjoy a bit more of my small inheritance and put some away in the post office, life is to short and its there to enjoy
You could always consider doing more than one thing. There are two separate elements to your question. Firstly a lump sum that you are confident you will not need for 5 years. Secondly a monthly amount that you can save. You would like to earn something on both and feel like you are getting a return. At the moment cash savings will not return much. You will have your lump sum at the end of five years but the value of it will have eroded somewhat due to inflation.

You could consider doing different things with the different elements. As you are not comfortable to risk the lump sum you could deposit that in a fixed term account, obviously choosing the best return you can obtain. With the monthly savings you could opt to put it all into a regular savings account, opt to put it into an investment account or split the amount in two and put half into a regular savings account and half into a more risky investment. That way you will not be risking your lump sum but will be increasing your chances of gaining a better return.

I would suggest that Pathway 6 is probably far too risky for you. Pathway 4 would be a better option.
yes thank you for that, i presume your talking about zurich here when you mention pathway 4, if you could recommend any other companys please get back