Post Office opening times


Registered User
I just nipped out to the post office on Earlsfort Terrace to buy a stamp during my lunch break. Apparently, however, they close for lunch . In an area mainly populated by office workers, the local post office closes its doors during lunchtime?? What kind of customer service is this?

We've dealt with this in country areas for years. The banks in our local town close for lunch as well.....But at least the Post Office open on a Saturday.
They even provide training...activist training at that - sound's like something from a SF/IRA site!!!

Its a joke isnt it? And not only do they close for lunch - they close for 1 hour 15 minutes for lunch. I get a 30 minute lunch break

My other personal gripe with my local post office is that they dont sell envelopes. It would seem to me to be an obvious piece of stationary to be able to buy in a post office.