Post office and laser card...


Registered User
I was just in the post office to stock up some nice Xmas stamps, when I tried to pay with my laser card I was told that they only accept AIB laser cards on post office transactions, but for paying bills will take all laser cards.
Credit cards aren't accepted either (even AIB ones).

I don't mean to sound too much like a grouch, but I would have though that a laser was a laser, and it shouldn't be issueing bank specific.
Perhaps something to do with the deal with AIB to provide certain banking services? A quid pro quo maybe?

Or I could be just a conspiracy theorist.

Could also be a question of Fees. To take Laser doesn't the vendor pay a fee on each transaction? Perhaps they don't want to take Laser at all for Post Office buisiness but being effectively an agent for AIB they accept theirs.

With the Bill Pay service I presume the service (ESB, Phone etc.) takes any hit on Laser/CC charges, and An Post are earning money on it. Whereas buying stamps etc, Plastic would be costing them money.

That can be annoying - I have the same problem myself with the post office. I've also noticed that people with AIB accounts can make transactions on their AIB account from most post offices!! It seems to be exclusive to AIB customers.

Hopefully the other banks will join this facility with An Post soon so we can all benifit from it
Stamps are treated as cash, and have to be bought with cash. You can use a AIB laser as they can draw cash out of your AIB account and buy the stamps with the cash. Two separate transactions.