Post Hoc Charges



I recently got a glut of post from my old address, in which there was a letter from a credit agency acting on behalf of my old bank informing me that there is money outstanding on my Credit Card account, which they have been formally instructed to pursue. I was surprised to see this, as I had closed this account back in March, paying them the outstanding balance in full.

I rang the bank and they said when I closed my account, they thereafter applied a "closing of account" charge, about which they had sent me letters (which, in fairness, they had, but I didn't receive them as I had moved).

The charge was initially relatively small, but it obviously then increased each month it wasn't paid, before finally being issued to a credit agency, incurring further charges.

I left the bank over another dispute which I won't go into, but suffice to say that I am very angered that they applied this charge after I had considered my dealings with them to be through. They are also completely dismissive of the fact that I had moved address and was not made aware of the charge until today, and won't budge on reducing or striking the outstanding figure.

I am also worried that the 6 odd months of not paying it may have affected my credit status. Would this be the case?

Any help that anyone may offer on this issue would be dearly appreciated.
If your question is simply if/how this might affect your credit record then you can request a copy of your file from the ICB and check if there is anything logged there about this matter.

You say "credit agency" above but do you mean that the debt was sold on to a debt collection agency or something so you are now dealing with them and not the original financial institution?

How much was the original charge and how much as it grown to now? Are you querying the validity of the original charge (which would presumably be set out in the original card agreement terms & conditions/charges documentation?), the fact that they failed to contact you because you had moved, the validity of the accumulated charges, something else?