Post 1995 Local Government Pension & State Widows Contributory Pension & Supplementary pension at retirement


New Member
Having been unable to find any information online to this query maybe somone can help shed light.

Worked for 20 years in the private sector.
Worked in Local Authority (LA) 18 years - many years part time - Pension is co-ordinated with the State Pension - paying Class A PRSI Contributions.
Due to retire from (LA) at aged 65 in early 2026.
I have full PRSI contributions to date for a full State Pension - 2300 PRSI contributions to date.
Presently in receipt of a Widows Contributory Pension based on spouse PRSI contributions who worked paying Class A PRSI contributions for 44 years .

My question relates to my entitlement to Widows Contributory Pension when and after I retire.

I believe a Public Servant pre-1995 who paid Class D PRSI contributions is entitled to receive a Widow Contributory Pension together with their full Public Service Pension from their employer.

My LA Pension is co-ordinated with the State pension and from what I read online you are entitled to only one Social Welfare payment.

Am I entitled to receive a Supplementary Pension in respect of the Widows Contributory Pension to bring my pension equivilent to a person who paid Class D PRSI assuming we have the same service record.

Therefore what can I expect to receive at retirement ?

Would this be correct?

Age 65 up to age 66 - LA Pension portion direct from employer + a Supplementary Pension totalling the full amount of the State Pension plus full amount of the Widows Contributory Pension
Age 66 and there after - LA Pension portion direct from employer plus a Full State Pension plus a Supplementary Pension which would equal Widows Contributory Pension.

Thank you .
Am I entitled to receive a Supplementary Pension in respect of the Widows Contributory Pension to bring my pension equivilent to a person who paid Class D PRSI assuming we have the same service record
I am not familiar with this exact situation but I am fairly sure you are not entitled to a Supplementary Pension in these circumstances.

An example might illustrate.
Mary has worked in the public service part-time for 18 years, accumulating 12 years of pensionable service. She has also worked in the private sector and has over 2080 full rate Class A contributions. Mary's is in receipt of a widow's contributory pension based on her husband's PRSI record.
Mary will retire at 65 on a pensionable salary of €70,000. Just say the State Pension at retirement date is €16,000.

Mary's Occupational Pension can be approximately estimated as:

(70,000 * 12/80) - (16,000 *12/40) = 10,500 - 4,800 = €5,700.

Mary receives this Occupational Pension in addition to whatever benefits her PRSI records entitle her in accordance with current DSP rules. At 66 Mary will be entitled to a State Pension of €16,000 pa in addition to her Occ Pension so there is no Supplementary Pension.
Under current DSP rules Mary cannot receive both a widow's pension and a state pension - she gets whichever one is most favourable to her.
I am not sure of Mary's situation between 65 and 66 but I assume she will get either the Widow's Pension or the Over 65 Payment but not both. On the other hand if Mary stayed in employment for this year she could continue to receive the Widow's Pension along with her salary. It does seem like an anomaly but those are the rules.
Thank you for your reply,

This seems unfair if I am correct that a pre-1995 Public Servant receives their full Pension together with Widow Contributory Pension when retired.

Thank you for the information.
This seems unfair if I am correct that a pre-1995 Public Servant receives their full Pension together with Widow Contributory Pension when retired.

Its a DSP rule rather than a public service pension rule. They will not allow the State Pension and the Widows/Widowers pension to be paid simultaneously - even at a partial rate. If they altered these regulations (unlikely) then you, and lots others, would benefit.