Possibly Unfair dismissal


Registered User
Hello there!

I'm seeking some help regarding recently becoming unemployed. I have an appointment with FLAC but it's not for several weeks, and I'm wondering should I instigate something sooner

I worked for my employer for more than two years. I was given a written final notice about my performance (my department has been struggling, it wasn't solely just me). A week later was then called into a meeting and let go. There was no warning that this was what the meeting was about, I wasn't given any hearing or offered an appeal. I wasn't given time to improve and no support.

From reading about dismissal, it appears that due process hasn't been followed in any way.

I am considering making an appeal for unfair dismissal.

I have some concerns though. Could this cause issues with future employment (could I be blacklisted by other employers for causing trouble by taking a case (even if it's justified)).

Do I need to give my previous employer any warning that I'm considering taking a case to the Workplace Relations Commission?

Should ask my employer for an appeal even though I haven't been offered a right to appeal?
Q1: Don't let that be an issue. I know Ireland is a small place, but if you hold back from getting justice for yourself on those grounds, you are allowing yourself to be bullied.

Q2: You'll need to check what the process is. Given that you have already been let go, my thinking would be that you go directly to WRC.

Q3: again, not an expert in this field, but I would think not.
This doesn't add up. You state you had been given a written final notice about your performance but were never given an opportunity to improve. Had there been previous conversations, formal reviews, verbal or written warnings? You seem to indicate in your mail that there may be some truth in the performance issues but to move straight to a written final notice sounds extreme.

Personally I think you should appeal the dismissal, if the employer refuses to hear the appeal then it may give you more grounds further down the line.